MadPat X Psycho Gamer ~ Say Good-Bye

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Say Good-Bye, Gamer." The Woman said as Psyc started to cry. "Please, No I don't want too!" Psyc cried as He held on to Mad's leg. "Gamer, it's time to go. Let's go now." The Woman said as Psycho Gamer looked up at MadPat. "I'm sorry, Bud. But it's time to go. I should have never took you like I did. And now it's time for you to Go." MadPat said as Psyc let go of Mad. "Come on, Gamer" The Woman said as She put out Her hand to Psyc, but Psyc smacked it away. "Psyc?" MadPat said.

 "Psyc?" MadPat said

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(What He looks like.)

Psyc turned around to look at Mad and Mad smiled. "Good-Bye, My little Psycho." Mad said as Psyc ran up and Hugged Mad as hard as Psyc could. (Which isn't that hard). "Good-Bye, Mad. I'll miss you." Psyc said as Mad put His hand on Psyc's back. "I'll Miss you too, Bud." Mad said as Psyc let Him go. "Come on now, Gamer. It's time to go." The Woman said as Psyc walked away with The Woman, and MadPat was left all alone again..... But what The Woman didn't know was, Mad and Psyc made someone. Just. Like. MadPat.

When The Woman and Psyc got home, there was a nock at the back door. The Woman opened the back door up to see.....

The Boy jumped at The Woman and Her in Her left Eye, killing Her

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The Boy jumped at The Woman and Her in Her left Eye, killing Her. And then He took Psyc away.....

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