NateMare x Billy ~ Welcome to my world

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Billy walked into A Black Room. "H-H-Hello?" Billy slowly got out. "H-H-H-Hello!? P-P-Please i-is a-anyone here?!" Billy got out as He cried. Billy walked around the corner and He saw someone standing in the middle of The Room. "H-H-Hello?" Billy said as He slowly walked a little into the room. "P-p-please t-tell M-Me w-where I a-am." Billy choked out. Then a light shined on The Man. "Nate?" Billy said then.

(What He Did)"Hello, Billy

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(What He Did)
"Hello, Billy." Nate said as Billy wimpered. "Oh, Billy what is the matter? Are you scared of Me?" Nate said as He slowly walked over to Billy. "Nate. W-W-Where a-are we?" Billy said as Nate smiled. "We are Home, Billy." Nate said as He put His hands on Billy's shoulders. "Home?" Billy said as Nate evilly smiled. "Nate, I-I-I want t-t-to go -h-h-home." Billy said as Nate stopped smiling. "Stop calling Me, Nate!" Nate yelled as Billy shut His eyes tight. "My name is NateMare! Not Nate! You'll call Me Mare for now on! And your never going Home!" Mare yelled as He grabbed Billy around The Neck and started choking Him. "Nate! P-P-Please s-stop y-y-your hurting M-M-Me!" Billy got out But Then. Billy woke up with Nate shaking Him. "Billy! Billy! Wake up, wake up! Your okay, Your Okay!"

 "Billy! Billy! Wake up, wake up! Your okay, Your Okay!"

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(What He looks Like)(Its your P.O.V sorry)

"Billy, Billy, your okay. It's was just a Nightmare. Your okay." Nate said to Billy as Billy was crying and He got up and Hugged Nate around the neck. "Your okay, Billy." Nate said as He rubbed His hand on Billy's back. "Y-y-you tried t-t-to kill Me, Nate." Billy said as Nate looked at Billy and Nate smiled a little. "It was just a Nightmare. I'll never hurt you, Bud." Nate said as Billy smiled. "You wanna go back to sleep, Bud?" Nate asked as Billy nodded Yes. Nate nodded too and He laid Billy down in bed and put the blanket back on Him. "Good-Night, Billy. Love you." Nate said as He got up and walked out of The Sleeping area of The Tour Bus. "G-G-Good night, Nate." Billy quietly said as He went back to sleep.

But what Billy and Nate didn't know was someone was watching them.

But what Billy and Nate didn't know was someone was watching them

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......The End......

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