Her father came in next, loosening his tie. His straight black hair was pushed back on his head.

"What's wrong, honey? You need somethin'?" Her mother asked, placing her purse on the counter.

"I actually wanted to talk with you and daddy for a minute...I won't be too long because I know he has work." She gestures towards Mr.Kim.

"It's fine. Take all the time you need princess." He assured her, going to sit at the table and trinity and her mother followed suit.

"Where's hoseok?"

"He's at the apartment. I'm borrowing his car for now because mine is back at the dorms... he's not feeling well." Trinity sighed.

"Oh goodness, my poor baby. You know it's getting colder out." Mrs.Kim said.

"I know. I'm gonna take care of him but this isn't about him. It's about me, your actual baby." Trinity said, pointing to herself.

Mr.Kim laughed as the woman nodded. "Right right. Go on."

"So." Trinity started. "I decided....that I don't want to go to performing arts school anymore." Trinity said.

"What? Why?"

"Because it's not what I thought it was. I thought it would be diverse and filled with kind people who actually uplifted each other and instructors that didn't count their students out but I was wrong. My dance teacher for this semester was hell and literally the reason behind me going to the hospital and stressing out so much. I can't endure it for much longer so I'm dropping out." Trinity explained.

"But trinity that's how dance instructors are, honey. They're strict especially those for ballet. What did you expect?" Her mother questioned.

"Mama you said out of your own mouth that if it becomes too much for me you're forcing me out. I decided that it was too much for me and removed myself from the situation."

"Yeah but..." her mother contemplated. "I suppose you're right...I just didn't think this would happen especially so early on in the semester."

"I would have to agree. I'm happy that you're thinking about your well being baby girl but it's just a little early. But if it's what you want to do then we support wholeheartedly." Her father added.

Trinity took a deep sigh of relief. She was happy to have such cool parents.

"Thank you." She said softly.

"So what's the next step? I mean you can still go to school for other things-"

"I want to be a dance teacher. Open my own studio, have my own company. Hoseok has helped me out so much already. It'll be nice to make him proud and go far with the studio." Trinity said.

"Plus I don't necessarily need a degree, just the skills. And I have that. I can be a great leader and instructor. All I need is to decorate, start off with a few dancers and go from there."

Her parents looked at each other. Trinity waited for them to say something. Their opinions meant a lot to her.

"You're only nineteen, trin. We're not saying don't open the studio. We want you to of course follow your dreams but maybe...maybe let's wait until you're twenty?"

His, Always | J.hs (BOOK 2) Where stories live. Discover now