The sound of hooves from the horses were heard together with the sound of the wheel belonging to a caravan. Not far from them the smokes from dust were rising up as the horses run forward seeing that the people on horses were multiplied.

Finally, the new recruits arrived. Y/n crossed her arms and observe the brave souls who came to make a change. But it didn't look so good, their faces were akin to people who was parading to a burial ground. Their complexion looked like they ate something bad and wanted to puke it all.

Y/n couldn't blame them. As people who saw what people feared outside the wall is, it's natural to feel this kind of anxiety and the fear of death.

Just by coming here to join the scouts, they've already became a hero.

As the people got off the horse and lead their animal friends on the stable, Mikasa finally made her appearance together with Armin who ran worried towards their young friend.

Y/n mentally aww-ed once more at the children's reunion. Her heart felt soft towards the trio.

She listened to Mikasa's worried questions while checking Eren like a worried mother hen.

"S-saintess, ma'am." A nervous call was heard just nearby. Y/n turned her head to the young speaker and found Marco who seemed astonished and Jean who was walking alongside him.

Y/n approached the two and held both shoulders. I ship it. "Good job on staying alive." She tapped both their shoulders with a firm grip at the end.

"Y-yes!" Both replied seemingly surprised by her words.

Meanwhile, Y/n cursed herself from saying that. Good job on staying alive? That's a given. Who would want to be praised ominously like that?!

"It seems like you two are one of those reluctant people who wish to join." She spoke again, both boys flinched. "Don't get me wrong. I'm not reprimanding your doubt of joining, in fact, I am amazed. You two are brave."

Marco smiled as he scratched the back of his neck. "It's because of what we saw that's why we joined." He explained.

Y/n nodded, willing to hear the heartfelt and determined reason for Marco's resolve to join the scouts. But right when she was all ears for it, she was suddenly grabbed by the back of her clothe's collar and was dragged away by Levi.

The girl looked at him seriously while he looked with a scowl. She frowned, reached his waist and pinch it as revenge.

"Don't you think you're being too rude." Y/n seriously said, pinching him on the cheek next.

Levi let her collar go as soon as they were with Erwin who looked at the two who will soon begin their argument. Farlan was beside him and Mike watching what's going to happen next.

"Tsk." Levi crossed his arms and looked at the crowd. He didn't initiate any more retort against her.

Y/n ignored his sulking and watched the newcomers. Guess she and the poor lone cook are going to have to cook a lot of food again now.

"Y/n." Erwin called.

The girl turned to him waiting for what he has to say.

The commander smiled. "You should give a speech."

Speech? Father, I think I am more than speechless at how you are always telling me unexpected things as if you're playing some charade.

"Shouldn't you be the one doing that?" She asked back.

Erwin's smile did not falter. Y/n have a very bad premonition about this. "It's more touching if it's a word that came out from the saintess herself."

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