Dean Winchester // Gone

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My head is resting on my knees as I sit against the headboard in the darkness of my bedroom. The same room I once shared with Dean Winchester. My face is red as tears slowly roll down my cheeks. Nothing has felt real the past three days, ever since he left me. This time it's forever and that's what keeps getting me. After everything we have been through, he's just gone.

It's not fair, that should of been me that died on that stupid hunt, not him. If Dean wouldn't have pushed me out of the way then he'd still be here right now. I'm not the only person taking his death hard. Sam has been a complete wreck with only leaving his room to eat and as for Cas. He's been searching and trying to bring Dean back. Depression has just gotten the better of me and for the past three days I haven't left this bed.

Sam has been kind and brings me food but I can barely stomach any of it. My heart feels like it got ripped out of my chest. A picture of Dean and I smiling in the impala sits on the bed in front of me. He asked Sam to take the picture, saying he wanted to capture such a beautiful moment. Everything in me shattered seeing his smiling face in that picture and I broke down crying again. This time memories of his death flashed through my head.


The drive was long but we made it to this abandoned farm. Sam and Cas have their own case so Dean and I took this one. Teenagers have been coming to this haunted farm for years and suddenly ended up going missing. We thought it sounded like our kind of thing and wanted to check it out. The bodies they did find looked like animals had killed them but we think otherwise.

"Ready?" He asks while looking over at me. I nod and we step out of the car. The two of us make our way up to the house. "You check the inside, I'll check the barn." I say and he nods. We split up and began our search. As I'm looking around, I notice there isn't much to see other than old tractors and broken pieces of wood everywhere.

I start to make my way back to Dean when a loud thud could be heard from behind me. My feet turned quickly only for me to see nothing. "Not sure what you are but you aren't scaring me." I glare. Silence. I sigh and make my way out of the barn. My heart dropped from my chest when hearing growling and turned to see a werewolf. Not any like we normally hunt, this one is completely transformed and hungry.

"Good dog." I smile knowing it's not going to help at all. It started to run at me so I prepared for impact only to feel my body hit the ground. I opened my eyes and saw Dean had shoved me out of the way. The wolf hovered over him, ready to kill. "No!" I yell and stand to my feet. I shoot at the thing but it doesn't do much.

"Y/n, run!" He yells and I shake my head no.

"No, I'm not going to leave you." I glare. The wolf growls as Dean tries to shove the thing off him. I try and get closer but it looks at me with a watery mouth.

"Hey, baby," he says and I look at him with terror in my eyes. "I love you." He says and that's the last thing he said before I sat and watched that monster kill my boyfriend.

"No," my weak voice cried out.

*end of flashback

A sob escapes me thinking about him and the last words he said to me. Once calming down I close my eyes and wipe my cheeks from the tears that had fallen. "Look, I know that none of us were perfect but you have to do something. Please Chuck...bring him back. I-I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't breathe without him." I pray. He hates Dean so there is probably no way he will listen.

"I'm not perfect, I know this but I'd give the world if you would just bring...him...back."

Just as I ended my prayer there's a knock on the door. I call for the person to come in and see it's Castiel. He gives me a weak smile as he enters and sits down on the bed, next to me. "How are you?" He asks worriedly. I shrug my shoulders and stare blankly at the wall behind him.

"I'm closer to finding a way to bring him back. But the good news is I found out from one of the angels that he's in heaven."

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask, it coming out more rude than I wanted it to. He's only trying to be a friend to me. "I'm sorry Cas."

"No it's okay, I know your hurting right now y/n. I guess I'm telling you all this because I thought it would bring you some closure. I'm not sure about many things you humans do but if I'm sure about one thing, it's that Dean loves you more than he has loved anyone before. You're different and good for him." He says to me.

I smile and thank Cas for the kind words. I lean in and hug him tightly before pulling away. We smile at each other before Sam bust into my room like a crazy person. "Y/n I know your sad but you're gonna want to see this." He says. I frown and follow Sam down the hall with Cas close behind. We head into the library where I'm even more confused.

"What is going on? What's so important-" I start but a voice cuts me off. A very very familiar voice. One I have prayed to hear for days. Slowly but surely I turn around and see Dean standing there. My heart completely dropped and tears welled up in my eyes looking at him. "No, you'" Words have completely escaped me.

"Chuck, he got all the prayers you sent. He said something about remembering this later." Dean informed me.

"Baby," my voice came out quiet as I ran into his arms and held him tightly, afraid of losing him. He held me back just as tight as his arms wrapped around my waist tightly. "I love you so much," I mumbled into his chest.

"I love you too y/n. You don't know how much I missed you." He smiled while pulling away to look into my eyes.

"The feeling is mutual." I grin. He pulls me in for a kiss, one that I craved and savored before pulling away slightly. "I'm so happy your home." I say.

"Me too." He agreed.

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