Sam Winchester // Never Alone

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Warning: there are mentions of depression in this story

I stare blankly at the trees pass by us as we head home from an exhausting hunt. The Winchesters and I just finished a hunt with some stupid vampires nest. For months I've been throwing myself into hunting in an attempt to not feel the heaviness in my chest. Something in me feels broken and defeated. I've been so lonely for months and Sam has started to notice. He's always checking on me and seeing if I'm okay but I lie. It's better than the truth.

Why would I burden anyone with my issues when they're better not knowing. Sam turns his head to look at me and see my head resting against the window, no emotion shown on my face whatsoever. He lets out a sigh and turns back towards the front. It makes me feel like such a burden on him and everyone else in my life. It's always been so difficult for me to open up and show any emotion with people.

We get back to the bunker and the first thing I do is head to the shower. I put my hand under the running water and it felt warm enough to get in. I stand under the water as it falls down my body. Everything I've been feeling, the loneliness, the depression, and pain came hitting me all at once. Tears fell down my cheeks and I let out a quiet sob. I completely fall apart after months of holding it in.

I wipe my face and try to finish my shower before getting out and getting dressed. I stare at myself in the mirror and notice my face is red. I splash my face with some cold water and take in a deep breath. When collecting myself I step out of the bathroom and head to bed. "Are you okay?" Sam asks as he watches me head over to the bed. I look at him and nod my head yes. "You're lying." He states. "You can talk to me with no judgment. You know that."

"Yea but I..." my voice is quiet. This is hard for me. "I've been lonely for a few months now. I'm not sure why but I've just been so depressed lately." I admit. His face softens and comes closer to me, wrapping me in a warm hug. I relax in his arms, enjoying the hug. It's one that I really needed after everything.

"I want you to know that you're never alone y/n. You can always come to me for anything. Your feelings are important to me." He tells me and I thank him for the kind words. He truly does know how to make me feel better. It means a lot to me to hear him say that. We pull slightly away from each other and he stares into my eyes with a small smile on his lips.

"I'm so lucky to have you." I say. He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and cups my cheek.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too." I reply before he pulls me in for a gentle kiss. I meant it when I said that I'm lucky to have him. Sam makes me happy when I have bad days or months like recently. We hold onto each other for a while until completely pulling away. We decide to rest and he holds me close while my head rests on his chest. We kind of spend a lot of the night talking.

I tell him about how I've been feeling and he just listens and assures me that he is here for me. It felt nice spending time with him like this until we eventually went to sleep. He is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'll never take Sam for granted.

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