Sam Winchester // Close Call

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My eyes are closed, my breathing heavy, and my heart rate slowly going down. I'm hiding behind a tall big tree. There's a group of vampires looking for me and it won't be long before they catch up. They had the advantage on me and there was nothing I could do but run so I can collect myself and my weapons. Sam and Dean are working another case in a different state. So when Jack said that he found this case, I decided to take it...alone.

Wasn't my best choice but I'm here now and there's nothing I can do to change it. My machete is hanging at my side, my hand gripping onto it tightly. The sound of leaves crunching behind me could be heard. They have to know where I'm at, by my scent alone. As soon as they get close enough, I'm going to quickly take my machete to their heads. I've planned the whole thing out and hopefully nothing goes wrong.

Jack offered to come help with the case but I was afraid of him getting hurt so I made him stay back and not tell the boys that I'm doing this. If Sam knew, he'd completely lose it. He doesn't like me doing hunts alone because he worries something will happen. Yes him and Dean have been doing this longer than I have but I'm confident in myself that I can do this.

"You're going to die here y/n." The leader of the group calls. I heard someone close behind me and turned quickly. I cut their head clean off and see two other people standing behind the guy I just killed. They start coming at me and I fight them off. Once they were dead, I sucked in a deep breath. All that's left for me to kill is the leader and his girlfriend. I can hear them but I'm not sure where they are.

I'm completely covered in sweat, blood, and dirt. I'm exhausted and ready to head home but not until these monsters are dead. Just as I'm about to turn around I feel a sharp pain in my back and look down to see blood dripping from my shirt. Slowly, I turn and see that the stupid girlfriend had stabbed me. "I'm going to enjoy this," she smiles while preparing to literally drain me of blood.

"You bitch." I whisper while falling to my knees. Her boyfriend comes over to me and I prepare myself for what's to come. I'm gonna die and there's nothing I can do to change it. Sam is all I'm able to think about. How he's going to be mad and upset that I'm dead. I close my eyes, waiting for my fate to come. But it never did. I open my eyes and see Cas standing there. I'm shocked.

"What..." I take in a breath. It hurts from the wound in my stomach. "What are you doing here?"

"Jack told me where you were and I followed you here." He places his fingers to my head, healing me completely. This time when I breathe in, it doesn't hurt. "Sam is going to kill you." He states while helping me to my feet.

"Thanks for stating the obvious Cas." I sigh.

"Your welcome." He says in the most genuine voice. I groan and grab my machete off the ground.

"Thanks for helping me out. If it weren't for you, I'd be dead." I say as the two of us head back to my car.

"You're welcome." He smiles. I drove probably all night before getting back to the bunker. When walking through the door all I wanted was a shower and sleep. I'm tired and that hunt took all my energy. But once I threw my bags on the table Sam glared at me.

"What were you thinking? You could have gotten yourself killed and-" he starts to rant but I hold my hand up to stop him.

"As much as I'd love to stand here and listen to this, I'm so tired. Can we do this tomorrow?" I sigh. He sees the exhaustion in my eyes and gives me a tight hug. I happily return it while enjoying being in his arms. He leaves a kiss on my head before I go shower and lay down. It felt good relaxing in bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I started drifting off to sleep.

Sam climbs into bed next to me and wraps his arms around me tightly. I turn over and rest my head on his chest. "I love you y/n." He whispers.

"I love you too, Sam." I mumble before falling into a deep sleep.

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