Sam Winchester//Drunk

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She giggled as her phone fell from her hands and onto the floor. Dean, y/n and myself have been struggling with a case for months so we came to the bar for a celebration of finishing it. Dean got drunk and left about an hour ago with someone. Not really sure who but I'm more worried about y/n. She's completely wasted and laughing at every little thing.

Something told me not to drink because her and Dean would need a designated driver. He luckily didn't drive home and instead left with someone who was sober. She stood up off the bar stool then turned to face me. "Sam, look a bird." She smiles while pointing to a mans beard. I playfully rolled my eyes at the drunk girl in front of me.

"Maybe we should get you home." I suggest and she nods her head yes. Good thing anyway because the bartender stopped serving her ten minutes ago. Good thing too because she's way more drunk than Dean was. Normally y/n doesn't drink that much but tonight she said she wanted to celebrate. We rarely get any victories so we took this one.

I got up and grabbed her jacket before wrapping it around her shoulders. She thanked me with a drunken smile while planting a sloppy kiss on my cheek. It caused my heartbeat to quicken in my chest. I've liked her for the longest time but relationships to me seemed pointless given my life. But y/n is different and makes me happy.

And even though my brother keeps telling me to go for it, I'm never able to. I paid for our drinks before getting the two of us out of there. We get into the car and start the ride home. I made sure she's buckled in then drove down the dark road. She rested her head on the window and looked out at the trees.

"I'm so drunk right now," she randomly said while laughing. I raise an eyebrow and glance over at her. "Oh my god Sam, my parents are going to kill me for getting wasted." She started freaking out. I smirk and playfully roll my eyes.

"It's okay y/n, I'm sure they won't find out." I assure her. She nods and gives me a wink. By the time we got back to the bunker she's asleep so I carry her inside. I lay her down in her bed before taking off her shoes then covering her up under the blanket. As I'm about to leave the room she calls my name, causing me to turn and look at her sleepy face.

"I uh, don't tell Sam this but he's cute," she says and I smile. "Anyway Goodnight." She yawns then falls into a deep sleep.

The next morning I woke up and made breakfast for everyone. Dean is sitting at the table drinking coffee and trying to forget last night but y/n is still asleep. "Do I smell coffee?" I hear her voice and turn to see her walk in the kitchen.

"Yeah, and this." I smile while handing her some ibuprofen. She thanked me then sat down at the table with Dean.

"As good as this was, I'm gonna go puke it all back up," Dean said as he shoved the plate away from him. He just now ate like a crap ton of bacon. I laughed watching him leave the room. Y/n groaned as I sat down across from her and watched as she took a sip of coffee.

"So what happened last night?" She asked.

"You really wanna know?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Ugh, no...yes." She said changing her mind. I told her every thing and all the things she said last night, even the part about me being cute. She groaned and covered her face with her hands. I laughed and saw the obvious blush on her cheeks. "I'm sorry about that. I'm kind of a weird drunk." She apologized.

"No need to apologize," I said raising my coffee cup to my mouth. "Your pretty cute too." I tease then take a drink. She smiled and rolled her eyes at me.

"Seriously?" She frowns.

"Well, yeah. Hopefully I'm not being too forward but I'd love to take you out sometime. On a real date." I tell her. She nods and gives me a grin.

"I'd love that."

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