Sam & Dean Winchester//Dress up

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The golden dress fit my body perfectly as it sparkles under the lights in my bedroom. It's an evening dress so it falls down just past my ankles while the top shows just a bit of cleavage. But nothing too revealing. My hair is curled and pinned back as I let two curls in the front hang loose. A smile is formed on my face seeing how great I look in the mirror.

My makeup is all done as I grab my clutch off the bed and make my way into the library. Sam and Dean waited for me in their slick black suits. When they saw me smiles formed on their faces. My appearance has left them both speechless. They looked me up and down before Sam clears his throat. "You look stunning y/n." He compliments me.

"Yes very breathtaking." Dean agreed.

"Thank you. You guys don't look too bad yourselves."

We rarely get to dress up for anything so when getting the chance we took it. We're working a case with some rich family and have reason to believe the husband is a shifter. We think he's gonna kill his wife since it's her money and run off with it. I've managed to get close enough with the woman for her to invite me to her party tonight at her mansion.

Sam and Dean obviously volunteered to escort me. We climb into the impala before taking off to this woman's house. Every once in a while I'll catch one of the Winchester's stealing glances at me from in the front seat and smirk. They both have crushes on me and don't try hiding it. Maybe Sam does but he isn't very good at it.

Then there's Dean who openly flirts with me and I playfully flirt back. Truth be told I'm into both of them, which is why I'd never say it out loud or choose. It would kill me if I hurt the other by choosing one of them. It's going to stay my little secret because god for bid if they ever found out I'd probably die.

We finally get there as Dean shuts off the car and we get out. Just as I'm about to make my way inside Sam laces his arm with my left as Dean laces his arm with my right one. I smile as we walk inside, them on either side of me. "Y/n!" Macey smiles, the woman who owns this big house. "Welcome and please enjoy yourselves." She looks at the three of us.

"Thank you Mrs. Williams," I nod. She goes back to greeting other people as we head further into the house. "Okay we should split up and find her husband." I say, pulling away from both of them.

"Good idea. I'll search the upstairs." Dean agreed.

"I'll check outside." Sam said as he looked around.

"I guess that leaves the downstairs for me." I nod. We split up and I go looking for this monster. This place is so big that it might take forever for us to search. After a while I sigh in defeat, not able to find him. An annoyed sigh leaves my mouth as I spot Sam across the room and make my way over to him. "Nothing?" I ask. He shakes his head no.

"It just doesn't make any sense." He said.

"I know." I groan. He turned to look at me and just stared. "You okay?"

"I lo-" he starts as he rests his hands on my waist but gets cut off by some random older woman.

"Excuse me sir, can you help me for a moment?" She asks Sam. He gives her a polite smile and walks away with her. Part of me is curious as to what he was going to say and the other part is annoyed he didn't get to say it. As I'm looking around I find the ballroom and my eyes widen. It's beautiful as they play slow music that makes me smile.

"This guy is nowhere to be found," I hear Dean as he stands next to me. "I swear it's like he just up and vanished."

He stopped talking when he saw how mesmerized I am by the people dancing and having a good time. A smirk appears on his face as he steps in front of me and holds out his hand. "Y/n y/l/n," he calls me by my full name. "May I have this dance?"

I smile and grab his hand before he leads me into the middle of the room. His hands rest firmly on my waist as mine wrap around his neck. Our faces are inches apart as he stares into my eyes. "You really do look beautiful and if we weren't here for a case we'd have the best night of our lives," he whispers, sending shivers down my spine.

"Dean I don't think-" I start to say but he cuts me off.

"Later," he smiles before spinning me around then dipping me. His arms are tightly wrapped around me as he lifts me back up onto my feet. The song ends and I straighten out my dress.

"Guys! Come on I found him!" Sam says and we rush outside behind him. There stood her husband, the monster in the driveway trying to escape in some small red car. "Stop right there!" Sam yells but he gets into the car and drives off.

"Son of a bitch!" Dean yells angrily. "Y/n you stay here and distract Mrs. Williams while we go after this guy." Dean tells me and I nod my head. They leave and I head back into the house. I find her sitting alone at the bar and join her.

"You okay?" I ask her and she lets out a sad sigh.

"I think my husband is up to something but I'm not sure what?" She admits to me.

"Like?" I frown, trying to act as if I have no idea what she's talking about. There's a saddened look on her face as she turns to look me in the eyes.

"If he's cheating."

"That would be his loss because your amazing. I'm sure it's nothing though." I try assuring her.

"I'm gonna go find him," she starts to get up but I stop her and grab two wine glasses.

"First have a drink with me." I smile. She agrees and we have a couple of drinks. Gladly I'm able to keep her distracted long enough for Sam and Dean to return saying they took care of the problem only her husband is dead. I feel bad and give her a hug before the three of us leave the party to head home.

"I don't know about you two but I had fun tonight," Dean smirks and I chuckle.

"Same." I agree. Other than the fact that I'm in love with the Winchester brothers.

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