Jack Kline // Human

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The smell of bacon, sausage, eggs, and much more filled my nostrils while walking into the kitchen. Sam stood at the stove, Dean sat at the table eating literally all the bacon, and Cas sat across from him with an odd look on his face while staring at Dean. I have been excited about waking up today because every Sunday Sam makes a big breakfast for us.

It's like a tradition we keep to have something constant in our lives. We want to keep a good tradition like this given our everyday lives isn't the most normal or great. I sit next to Dean and grab some food. "Dean I'm not sure that's healthy." Cas says.

"What have I told you?" He asks.

"That it is but Dean it's grease and-" he starts but stops realizing you can't stop him from eating it. I'm worried for his cholesterol honestly. Jack then walks in and joins us at the table. He has a confused look on his face. "Is something wrong." Cas asks him. Jack sighs and looks at us.

"Well I'm half human and I was thinking about how I know nothing about being human, just angel. I wanna know more about how it's like to be human."

"We'd love to show you." Sam smiles while sitting down.

"Yeah, you're going to love it." I assure him. He nods and gives us a smile. First Sam shows Jack a few things he enjoys about being human then Dean showed him some stuff. I decided that I'm going to show him all my favorite things to do as a human. Things that angels just don't do. First thing we did is eating a large pizza from my favorite pizza place. It's simple and good.

"From what I learned so far, being human doesn't seem all that bad." He says.

"It has its moments but overall getting to experience life as a human is a truly rare feeling that some people don't get to experience."

"What's next on the list." He asks.

"I wanna show you my favorite spot to watch the sunset and helps me think. Anyone could do it but it's an experience I want you to have."

We do a few other things until the sun starts setting and I take him out to this small field not far from the bunker that I always found beautiful. It's not some boring field of grass. It has lots of beautiful flowers everywhere. We lay back in the grass and stare up at the sky. The sun is slowly disappearing. "This is beautiful." He smiles.

"Yeah. One of my favorite parts is letting it get dark and trying to count the stars."

We probably spent hours laying there just enjoying the view and talking. It actually felt good doing this with someone else. Hopefully we do this more often together. Another tradition. We continued talking on our walk back home. "Thank you for today. I loved everything you guys showed me." He said.

"Of course. It's very important for you to experience the world as a human and an Angel."

"I feel like there's still so much more to learn though," he tells me. "Like Sam had me watching this tv show a few days ago and they were talking about something called love. It sounded so beautiful, something I want to experience."

It fell silent for a moment, I'm not sure what to say. "Uhm, love can take so many different forms. It could be family, friends, relationships..." I go on to tell him. He nods and looks over at me.

"How will you know when you love someone, like really love them?"

My brain blanked when turning my head to stare back at him. When the silence got awkward I spoke up. "You'll know. It's something hard to explain but Jack...I promise you will know when you're in love."

He smiles and we continued that walk in silence. I've always been in hunting and pretty much grew up with the Winchesters so that feeling of being in love is rare for me. But something inside me changed when Jack smiled at me like that. Is this what that feeling is?

Could this be love?

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