Jack Kline // Keep Going

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Blood trickled down my leg as I crawled towards the abandoned house where I had last seen Jack and Dean. We all split up to find this stupid Wendigo and it found me. My leg is for sure broken and my body has taken so much that I feel like lying here and giving up. It's not far behind and I'm so close to the house.

Suddenly someone comes out of the house with a flashlight. Joy filled my body when seeing it's Sam. He's calling out for everyone, trying to see if we're all okay. "Sam!" My raspy voice calls out. It was useless because he couldn't hear me. So much of my body has been beaten by this wendigo. Speaking of, where is it? Last thing I remember is, it was following me through the woods.

"Help!" I tried calling out again but that's when I gave up. No one could hear me and I'm slowly bleeding out from the open wound on my leg and abdomen. Just as my eyes were going to close I hear someone call my name. That's when I used all my strength to look up and see Jack. It brought a very faint smile to my face.

"Y/n," he knelt down and cradled my head in his hands. "It got to you." He whispered more to himself than to me. When he saw me struggling to keep my eyes open, I watched as he used his angel grace to heal me. Suddenly everything inside me started slowly feeling a whole lot better. When finished, he helped me stand up to my feet.

"Jack...thank you for that," I smile and he nods his head.

"Now we need to keep going. I'm sure the others need our help." He says. As we make our way towards Sam, Dean came running out of the woods.

"Are we all here? Is everyone okay?" Sam asks. I nod while giving Jack a thankful smile because if it weren't for him then I'd be dead right now. "Good then let's go finish this thing," he says and we agree. We end up finding and killing this stupid Wendigo. Afterwards we headed home but not without stopping for a burger first.

Hunting sure can ware you out. As Sam and Dean finish their food, Jack and I wait outside next to the car. "Thanks again for saving me back there. I really appreciate it," I say as the two of us lean against the car.

"Of course. Y/n I can't quite explain it but you mean a great deal to me and I don't want to lose you." He admits. I blush at his words and look down at the gravel parking lot beneath me.

"You mean a lot to me too Jack. Everything in the bunker has just been hard lately with Chuck trying to kill the Winchester's but having you around helps," I tell him and he smiles while nodding. I happen to look up into the restaurant and see Dean completely destroying his apple pie. It made me chuckle and roll my eyes.

"He never seems to get enough of that stuff." I tell Jack. He watches Dean and agrees with me. Later we head home to wash up then go to bed. Only I wasn't tired even after that stressful hunt. So while everyone else slept, I sat in the kitchen drinking coffee. It's silent and peaceful for the first time in forever. Kind of makes me wish it could always be like this.

Soon I hear footsteps and look over to find Jack. He gives me a half tired smile while sitting next to me. "Something wrong?" I ask him before taking another sip. He looks tired which begs the question of why he is still awake.

"No, I just couldn't sleep." He tells me.

"Anything specific?" My eyebrow raises. He frowns for a moment then looks down at the table.

"I've been thinking a lot about you." He admits to me. My heart started to pick up it's pace a little and I wanted to know more. But at the same time I don't want to ask. Instead I'm going to let him tell me on his own. "I like you, like more than friends. I'm not good at this but I want to ask you on a date." He tells me and I smirk.

"You're doing fine and sure...I'd love to go out with you." I say and he looks happy by that. We talk a while longer until I actually head to bed and get some sleep that night with Jack on my mind.

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