Gabriel//More than friends

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A sigh left my mouth as my fingers turned the page in the lore book I'm reading

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A sigh left my mouth as my fingers turned the page in the lore book I'm reading. The Winchesters have been struggling with a case and I promised to help them with it and now I'm struggling. Sam sighed causing me to look up at him sympathetically. "I just don't understand how we haven't gotten any leads." Sam let out.

"Gabriel was supposed to call me when he found something." Dean added.

"Looks like he hasn't." I told them. The consistency of not finding anything started annoying the boys, which is why Sam called for a break. He went to get a snack while Dean went to grab a beer. Meanwhile I'm sitting here wondering what we could be missing.

Suddenly the bunker door opens and I look up to find Gabriel descending the stairs. He gives me a smile as he places a kiss on my lips. We've been dating a while now and the Winchesters don't know because if they did then they'd only get overprotective. As long as we've known each other, they treat me like I'm their younger sister.

He sat next to me at the table that's currently being occupied by dozens of lore books. "Got anything yet?" He asks me.

"Nope. I'm guessing by your question that you have nothing too."

He nods and let's out a sigh. It's just taking longer than usual but I'm sure we'll find something soon. If anyone can solve a tough case it's Sam and Dean. They may have their ups and downs but they also are the toughest men I've ever met in my life. It makes me proud to call them my family.

"Hey y/n I-" we hear Sam as he enters the room causing Gabriel to remove his hand from mine. "Oh hey Gabriel, we weren't expecting you back so soon," Sam said. "Find anything?"

"No sorry guys." He apologizes as Sam and Dean sit down.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but were you two holding hands when we walked in?" Dean asks confused. I started to say something but Gabriel cut me off short.

"We might as well tell them...y/n and I are dating."

"As in boyfriend and girlfriend?" Dean's eyebrow raises.

"That's what dating means." He replied.

"Huh..." is all Sam could let out as he stared at us. There is some silence until thankfully Sam breaks it. "Well congratulations you two."

"Thanks." I manage to get out. I'm just confused as to why he's being supportive when I was sure they'd react differently. Dean just stared in complete confusion. "Dean." I say his name quietly. He looks at me and smiles softly.

"Like Sam said, congratulations but if you hurt her I'll kill you."

Gabriel nodded and winked at Dean. I smiled at the boys before getting back to working on this difficult case. Their reactions were better than I expected and I'm happy their supportive of us. Gabriel really is a good guy and I'm lucky enough to call myself his girlfriend. I'm...happy.

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