Dean Winchester//Back from the dead

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My eyes opened wide as I shot up off the ground

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My eyes opened wide as I shot up off the ground. My lungs feel like their filled with dirt as I'm thrown into a coughing fit. Once calming down I stood up and carefully started walking out of the woods. It lead me to a gravel road that seems to go nowhere. About an hour after walking I found a small town and felt so grateful.

What the hell even happened in the first place? The last thing I remember is the Winchesters and I going up against Chuck then...nothing. Oh god, Dean. He must be worried sick about me. It's the middle of the day so I'm sure if I can just find a store or something, they'll let me use their phone to call Dean. Although they might not considering I'm covered in dirt.

Sighing, I found the nearest convenience store before going inside. There are only two people shopping inside as I head to the counter. There's a young woman working, well more like playing on her phone. "Excuse me ma'am, can I use your phone to call a friend?" I ask her.

She looked me up and down before shoving the store phone across the counter to me. I thanked her and dialed the number of my boyfriend, Dean Winchester. After about three or four rings he answered with a gruff hello. "Dean it's me y/n. I'm not sure what-" I started but he cut me off short.

"I don't know who you think you are but my y/n is dead! Don't call this number again!" He angrily stated then hung up. Son of a bitch. I sighed and gave the girl a warm smile before calling Sam. He answered rather quickly and I sighed relieved.

"Sam it's me y/n. I don't remember what happened but I need you to come get me."

"Y/n? I thought you died?" He said confused.

"I don't know," my voice came out weak and tired. There is silence for a moment until he said anything.

"Just don't move. Where are you?"

I asked the woman at the counter where I'm at and she said some little town in Arkansas. I waited for what felt like forever until feeling relief seeing the impala pulling up. Sam got out of the drivers seat and rushed over to me. "Sam," I smiled while pulling him into a tight hug. He hugged me back and let out a confused breath.

"How?" He asked.

"I don't know." I answered. A frown formed on my face while pulling away. "Where is Dean?"

"He doesn't know that I left because everything in him is convinced your dead and never coming back. The first three months of you being gone all he wanted to do is hunt, distract his mind of not having you. And now these past four months he's been locked away in his room. Y/n he really misses you."

I thanked Sam for the information before we got into the car and went home. The whole ride there felt like ages. I'm so anxious and excited to see Dean that it's killing me. Sam explained to me on the way home that Chuck killed me in front of Dean. He said it was awful, watching the way Dean screamed and begged for him to stop.

If Chuck is the one who killed me and wanted me dead...then who brought me back to life? That question stayed with me the whole ride back until we pulled up. My heart started beating faster inside my chest as we went into the bunker. It's the exact same as it was seven months ago. "I'm gonna go surprise Dean." I told Sam and he nodded.

I took in a deep breath as I approached the door then knocked softly. "Sam please, I'm not in the mood for another one of your talks!" Dean yelled. Hearing his voice in person made my heart ache. Slowly I opened the door to find him sitting on the bed with his head hung low.

He looked up and the moment his eyes met mine he stood up quickly. "Who the hell are you?" He asked.

"Dean, it's me, y/n." Why does he act like he doesn't remember who I am?

"No! Chuck killed her! He told me he'd make sure she doesn't come back so cannot be her." He let out brokenly. It broke my heart but then an idea came to mind.

"If I wasn't y/n then how would I know you got a scar on your left arm from the night we danced around the bunker and you tripped over your own two feet?" I asked him. He frowned while looking down at his arm then back at me. His face fell and he rushed into my arms, holding me tightly.

"I missed you so much," he let out sadly.

"I missed you too," I replied. He pulled away  and cupped my cheeks in his hands. He stared me in the eyes with a happy smile on his face.

"Who brought you back? Chuck said..." he frowned at me.

"I don't know but all that matters is I'm here and I'll never leave you again." I promised him. He smiled at me and pulled me in for a deep and passionate kiss. One that I missed so much and happily returned. That kiss felt like it lasted forever until pulling away. His arms were wrapped protectively around my waist.

"I am never letting you slip away, ever again." He swore. And he kept that promise, until he took his very last breath.

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