Jack Kline // My Hero

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My eyes slowly started opening, blinding lights causing me to squint. I'm not sure where I am but there's a man standing across the room with his back facing me as he sorts through papers on a desk. I'm tied to a chair in some office. The last thing I remember is bartending at my local bar. Problem is, I'm covering for my friend because she was sick. This was supposed to be her shift and mine was tomorrow night.

When my eyes were fully adjusted to the light I tried looking for all my exits. There's a window across the room and a door beside me. The guy turns around to face me. When he saw that I'm awake, a smirk appears on his face. "So happy you're awake." He says while walking closer to me. "We've got lots to talk about."

"Who are you? Why did you kidnap me?" I ask him while struggling to get out of the rope that's holding me to this chair.

"Well y/n does the name Jack ring a bell for you?" He asks. I frown trying to think if I even know a Jack. That name doesn't really sound familiar to me. It suddenly clicks in my head and I remember. Last year some djinn tried to kill me while having me stuck in some sort of dream state. Sam and Dean Winchester saved me along with their friends Cas and Jack. It all came together.

"I don't know any Jack." I lie.

"You're lying and I don't like liars," he gives me a cold glare before pulling a knife from his coat. My eyes slightly widen. He drug the knife across my face. It hurt but not bad. I felt blood drip down my cheek. "Tell me the truth and maybe I'll consider not killing you." He demands.

"I met a Jack last year after he had saved me but that's it. I'm not sure what you want with me when I barely know the guy." I say annoyed. He raises an eyebrow at me before going over to the desk and setting the knife on it. He turns to face me, leaning against the desk.

"He's the son of Lucifer," he says and it surprised me. "It's my job to bring him back to Lucifer."

"Why go through me then? Why not someone who is actually close to him?" I ask.

"Because," he grabs my phone from the desk and walked over to me. "You're going to call those Winchester friends of yours and tell them you're in trouble and need help."

He presses the call button and puts it on speaker. It starts ringing. Sam gave me his number last year just incase I need them again. "Hello?" I hear on the other end. When I didn't answer, the man glares at me.

"Sam hey," my voice comes out worriedly. "I need your help. There's this guy, he kidnapped me and said that if you don't come then he will kill me." I said.

"Y/n, where are you?" He asks.

"Wichita Kansas," he tells Sam. "You have 24hrs or she dies." He hung up and threw my phone across the room, smashing it against the wall.

As the time went on of waiting for them to come, he left the room a few times and I thought I'd use that chance to escape. But he has multiple people entering and leaving the room to make sure that I don't. It felt like forever honestly but eventually I hear screaming coming from the room next to me.

The doorknob on the door started shaking and the guy next to me pulled out a gun. He aimed it high but then it got quiet. Seconds later the door bust open and there stood Dean Winchester. He looked at me then at the man. "Put the knife down Winchester or she dies." The man glares.

"Or you let her go and I'll do whatever you want." Dean tries reasoning.

"Great idea, let me get right on that." The guy says sarcastically. Dean glares but he steps closer to me.

"Take one more step and I'll shoot both of you." He yells. Dean stops and raises his hands in the air.

"Ok, I'll put the knife down." Dean starts leaning down to put the knife on the ground. He quickly reaches behind him and pulls out a gun, shooting the guy in the chest. The man falls to the ground, dead. He comes over to me and starts freeing me.

"Who was that guy?" I ask confused.

"Demon. I had a feeling the colt would come in handy." He says before grabbing his knife off the ground. "Get out of here. There's more around here and I'm not sure where. Jack and Cas is outside, they'll take you home." He says. I thank him and head through the house, looking for the front door.

I go outside and see Jack but no Cas. He smiles and rushes over to me. "It's good to see you again, but not under these circumstances." He says to me before hugging me. I hug him back before pulling away.

"Thanks for coming." I smile.

"Of course. We should get you out of here though." He tells me. We head to the car and as he turns to open the door for me, I feel a sharp pain in my back. Turning around I see one of those demons smirking at me. "No." Jack says. He kills the demon as my body falls to the ground. Breathing became hard. "Y/n," Jack knelt down next to me, worry on his face.

He looks up towards the house then back at me with worry and hesitation. Moments later he had placed his hand to my head and healed me. It's almost as if I had never been stabbed. He helps me sit up slowly and pulls me close to him. "Jack, what have you done?" A voice says and I look up to see Cas.

"Castiel she was going to die." Jack says as we stood.

"You know you aren't supposed to be using your powers." Cas glares.

"So I should have let her die?" Jack asks. Cas sighs.

"No but you should have waited for me."

"There wouldn't have been enough time. I know that I'm not supposed to use them but what's the point in even having them if I can't save people?" Jack frowns. Before he could say anything Sam and Dean come outside. We all pile into the car and Dean drives me home.

When getting there, Jack walks me to my door, claiming he wants me to get inside safely. It's sweet. We stop at my front door and I give him a warm smile. "Thanks again for everything." I say. He nods and looks over at the car then back at me.

"Uhm, y/n," he looks a tad bit nervous. "I really like you and after today it made me realize that I never want to lose you. I'm very new to human emotions or feelings but I know I like you a lot. Would you...would you maybe want to go out some time?" He asks. I smile. I lean in and kiss his cheek.

"Of course. Call me." I say before heading inside and letting out a breath. The past 24hrs has been eventful but I'm just happy to be alive and have people like Jack in my life.

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