Castiel // Angel Business

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We were close. We were so close to finding him because I could feel it. The angels had taken Cas and we weren't sure where. Heaven? I'm not sure it did much help but every single day since he was taken, I would pray to him. I'd hope he would hear me and just come home. There were never any responses. It felt like I was talking to a brick wall.

The room always fell silent until last night. It was 3am and I was awake, wallowing in my feelings, missing my boyfriend. That's when I decided to pray to him and I'm happy that I did because for the first time in months, he answered.

Last night

My head rested on the pillow as I'm laying comfortably on the bed. I stared up at the ceiling wondering what those assholes were doing to him right now. They claimed he was needed but that was it. They said they don't need to explain themselves to us humans.

I rub my tired eyes and decide to pray to him again. With my past experiences, I know he won't answer. It's worth a shot though. I close my eyes and take in a breath.

"Please if you can hear me, know that I'm doing everything I can to find you. I miss you. I wish you could just give me a sign that you're okay-" I start but got cut short when he appeared in my room.

I jump out of bed, staring at him in complete shock. He appears out of breath and looks really tired for an angel because they don't sleep. "Y/n," he says and it stung my heart hearing him say my name after so long.

"I snuck away but I don't have much time. Go to Smitty's diner in Casper Wyoming. That's where they are." Is all he said before completely disappearing on me.

"Y/n!" My name being shouted pulled me from the trance I was in. My head shoot's up in Deans direction as he looks at me confused. The Winchesters and I are in some old dirty motel room in Casper Wyoming trying to come up with a plan before going into that diner. We didn't waste any time after Cas came to me and drove all the way to Wyoming.

"You're positive it's Smitty's diner?" Dean asks. I nod my head yes and he shakes his head before looking over at Sam. "So what's the plan then? We can't just barge in there?" Dean sighs.

"Why not? They have Cas." I glare.

"Because they're angels and we aren't sure how many of them there are. We will get him back but we don't need any of us dying in the process." Sam says. I roll my eyes knowing he's right. We spend the next hour conjuring up a plan until coming up with one we were sure was full proof. Guess we'll have to see.

Dean parks the car down the street so we're not right in front of the diner where they can see us. We sneak around back and look through the windows. There's angels everywhere and I don't see him. Sam heads around front to take out the two angels guarding the door while Dean and I go through the back door. I follow in quietly behind him as we both have our angel blades held high.

Two angels come around the corner and into the kitchen where we were so we both took them out. "Okay," Dean starts. "See that one near the counter?" He asks and I nod my head yes. "You take that one and I've got the one across from him next to the booth."

We both give each other a look before going in. While I'm killing one of the angels two more hear us and come running over. Next thing I know an angel has knocked Dean unconscious and two have me by the arm. Sam comes rushing in and kills one of the angels before they get him down. "Well, who do we have here? Two Winchesters and..." the man turns to me with an evil smirk. "The angels girlfriend." He comes closer to me.

"Where is he you asshole?" I glare. He gives me a smile then motions for one of the angels in the back. Some girl walks out and Cas is right behind her. He gives me a sad look and my heart starts racing even faster. "You know I'm actually happy you're here because now he can watch the three people he loves most in the world, die." The angel grins at me.

"Don't touch her." Cas glares.

"You do what I say...not the other way around." The man starts getting angry. I look over at Sam and he looks down at my feet causing me to look in that direction and see my angel blade. I catch on to what he's saying and wait for the right time. The angel gets distracted and starts talking to Cas so I use that time to elbow the angels holding my arms and grab my blade. I kill one and fight the other off until killing him.

Sam and Cas help take out the rest before Sam goes to check on Dean and make sure he's okay. I run into Cas' arms and stay there for as long as I can. It felt good being able to see him again.

"I got all your messages and I'm so sorry I couldn't answer them." He whispers to me.

"I missed you." I say and he cups my cheek in his hand.

"I missed you too." He replied.

"Guys we should go." Sam says once Dean gets back onto his feet. We agree and get out of that place and head home. After cleaning up, Cas and I spend the night talking and he tells me what they were planning. He said that there's more angels and will need our help stopping them. I assure him that I'll do anything to keep him safe and never let him leave me like that again.

I'm so happy to have my angel back.

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