Castiel // Research

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My head rises when hearing footsteps entering the library of the bunker. It's the middle of the night, everyone is asleep and I'm awake doing research. When seeing that it's only Cas, I go back to looking down at my lore book. We've all been doing research on some case here in Kansas but so far we don't have very much information.

It's stressing me out because we have struggled before but never this much. We're not positive what kind of monster is killing all these people although we have our suspicions. Sam and I think wendigo but Dean thinks shapeshifter. Different monsters so it could be anything. There's a slight frown on Cas' face as he sits next to me. "I'm surprised to see you're still awake." He says.

"I've got to figure this out, or it will drive me crazy." I tell him without my eyes ever leaving the book.

"Maybe you should rest. If it makes you feel any better I'll look into this while you sleep." He assures me. I finally look up at him and was met with his bright blue eyes staring back at me. It made my heart skip a beat. I've always had a small crush on Cas, I mean you'd have to be crazy not to. But the thought of ruining our friendship caused me to never act on those feelings.

"Uh no I-" my words started getting mixed up. This is slightly embarrassing. "I'm fine thanks though Castiel." I finally get out. He raises an eyebrow but nods and grabs a book. I frown at him. He noticed my frown and opens up the book.

"I'm going to help you." He clarifies while flipping through the pages. I smile and look back down at my book. Every so often I would look up and see him stealing glances at me. A faint smirk forms on my face while turning the page. Some time has passed and still nothing. "Find anything?" I ask and he says no. "It's late, I should probably get some sleep." I close the book and put it on the table.

"Ok. Would you like me to watch over you?" He asks and I smirk. He asked Dean this a couple of days ago and Dean said no. I understand he wants to protect us but I'm not sure that's how Dean sees it.

"I'll be okay. Thank you." I stand and start to leave the room.

"Y/n." I hear and stop before turning around. He stands and comes over to me. I stay silent, wondering what he wants. "I..." he grew silent and looked slightly nervous. "You are-" he starts and I stop him.

"Are you okay? You seem nervous and I never thought angels could get nervous." I say.

"There's something I need to say to you but I'm not sure how." He says then frowns. It's as if he's pondering over something. Before I could say a word his hands were on my waist and his lips were on mine. It definitely caught me off guard but I kiss him back. When I kissed back he tightened his grip on me.

Eventually I pull away and look at him slightly shocked. "What...what was that for?" I ask.

"Sam said if I like a girl then to tell her. But Dean said if I can't express those feelings then I should kiss her." He tells me and I laugh. Of course they did. "I guessed by the fact that you kissed me back meant you like me too." He said.

"You guessed right," I smile at him. "I do like you too."

He kisses me again but we soon pull away when hearing clapping. I look over and see Sam and Dean standing there with smiles. "You made the move." Dean says and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Sorry," Sam smiles apologetically. "Really." He looks at his brother. I'm actually happy that Dean gave Cas that advice because it lead to this. Otherwise I probably would have never grew the courage to act upon my feelings.

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