"Adrian-" I started but he hushed me, teeth scraping the skin of my neck again. "Adrain!"

He jerked back, eyes flashing gold agin. They flicked down to see my hand still holding his shaft. "You took so long to get here.."

"Adrain what is going-" I yelped as he thrusted up into my hand. In shock I tried to let go but he just wrapped his hand around mine and guided it, up and down, slowly. I could feel his heartbeat in my palm as I - well, Adrain technically - stroked him. He growled softly in my ear, panting and sweating. "Are you... in heat?" Ignoring the whole are-you-a-werewolf thing because that much was pretty fucking obvious.

He growled again, deeper, sensually. "Jaxie.." My body jumped, arousal pooling in my belly. "Are you scared?" He nuzzled my neck as he traced one of my fingers, guided by one of his, over his leaking tip and into the slit. His cock twitched. "I can smell..." It twitched once more, and bulged, which, what the fuck. "I can smell your arousal.." A short whine escaped my throat as I trembled before him. "Help me?" He grabbed my jaw and forced my chin up. Our eyes met.

But his words shook me a little from my mind-fuzzed state.

"A-Adrain... why.. come see me," I tried to ignore what he was doing with my hand but it was so hard... He was so hard..

He shook his head, "I.. can't tell you..."

"Why," I whispered, flinching a little as he drew closer. "I can't just.. help you." It would be wrong, despite how badly I wanted him. How badly I had always wanted him... Always out of reach and now he was here and... he needed me..

"Jax I need you," he took my other hand and wrapped it around himself, filling the space my other hand couldn't fill. Then he suddenly growled and gnashed his teeth as his cock twitched and he hunched over. "I-I can't..." I felt cold claws graze my hands and his eyes flooded with gold, so close to overpowering the brown. "Now! I need-" His hands gripped mine and his eyes locked with mine, glaring and tear-filled. "Say yes-!"

"Mmh- Fine! I'll help y- Ah!" I exclaimed as he lifted me like I was a feather and threw me over his shoulder.

"Room. Which one." He snapped and I told him weakly before he was stalking inside and slamming the door with so much force it rattled. He proceeded to throw me onto the bed.

"Uhh.. Um.. I've never... had sex with a.. werewolf," I gasped as he tore his shirt off. "N-Not sure you... care in this.. exact.. moment," I ogled him openly, admiring his rippling muscles that, truth be told, I couldn't see very well with the lighting.

"I care," he snapped, climbing on the bed over me. "You like being scared, huh?" He was gripping the sheets - tearing them with his claws, unfortunately - looking like he was about to burst or break and just devour me. "That's hot."

My head tipped back, gasping for air as arousal choked me. "Ad-drian," I whined, back arching as my own dick wept behind it's jean vice.

"You smell," his face was buried in my neck suddenly, "sinful.." Adrians hips rutted against my thigh, heavy and leaving a wet puddle. "You really want me now, hmm? Claws and all," he leaned back and drew one against my cheek. "Monster fucker," he snapped in my face and I just whimpered. "You want me, huh? You want me pounding you until you're screaming and crying, huh?"

It was true I did, all of it, I wanted all of it. But wariness set in, and I could tell he noticed as he leaned back.

"Jaxie I can't wait much longer," he was gripping himself at this point. "What's," he cut himself off with a growl and a flick of his wrist. He didn't continue speaking as he jacked off in front of me, head bent and thighs visibly tensing.

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