thirty- eight

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Here comes the bride

In unity and loyalty

With an psychopath

Hey just my luck.

I was stood in front of the full length mirror in the hallway of the church, scanning every detail of my face, my hair, my dress. The dullness in my eyes, the paleness of my skin.

I looked like Gaia, I just wasn't her anymore. She was lost months ago when I was dragged here. But today may be the end.

I could finally be free of these dickheads. I could finally live a peaceful life... well as peaceful life a mafia princess can have.

I could go back to school, spend time with the friends I had only just met, I could spend even more time with my family. Maybe have a real chance with Ilya.

If we can make it through today alive that is.

"He's ready for you querida." Vito's rough, accented voice brings me out of my daydream, when he appears behind me in the mirror. He was taking me in, his gaze got increasingly more uncomfortable as his eyes lingers on the low neckline and open back of my gown. "No better way of welcoming you to the family by walking my daughter down the aisle." He smirks, holding his arm out to me.

I sigh heavily, my fate really was in the balance.

I just really fucking hope that whoever was here to save me does a good fucking job. These Mexicans are slippery fuckers, no plan ever goes right around them.

"You won't ever mean anything to me." I grit my teeth, swearing to fucking god Vito takes the hint.

"Just take my arm like an obedient pet and everything will be golden." He shoots me a fake smile, the fullness of it terrifying me more.

He has a plan as well.

I cautiously take his arm and we turn to the large double doors behind us. The intro to the bridal march plays out through the doors and on cue they are open by two guards. All eyes were concentrated on Vito and I.

Many of his associates and their families. As well as most of the underworld were present on his beautiful day... yeah I'm not convinced either... but towards the back of the church gathered in the pews was my family. A lightness opened up in my chest just knowing they were here. My papa and Raffaele looked as stoic as ever but that flash of love, with an added desperation could be seen briefly. Alongside them was Carlo, Fabiano and Feliciano.

Papa nodded at me in the direction of the pews opposite. Following the direction stood Eliseo, Maxim and Ilya. He looked me over with ease, just like always making sure I was fine. But what shocked me the most was beside him was Josiah, his older brother and Dima. The first one glaring at the exchange between Ilya and i.

I'll question it later.

I felt a heavy pull on my arm which brought my attention back to Vito, he tapped my hand with a warning. He leant in closer to my face, a bragging smile plastered on his face.

"They make one wrong move to fuck this up, I will fuck you up." You could practically hear the smirk in his tone and I wasn't anywhere near prepared to heed his warning.

"What exactly have you done?" I question back. "Leave my family out of this."

"Your family got themselves involved by showing up uninvited. But behave and we will never know." His walk was confident as we approached Valerius- he was stood in a butt-ugly off-white suit that made me cringe when he took my hand away from his fathers grip.

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