twenty- six

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I'm slowly coming back y'all!! (I think). My first 2 assignments have been completed and everything in between is very time consuming. But I'm here with a chapter :)

Also, thank you for 24K!!

A few weeks later

The bastard knew what he was doing.

I'd give him that I suppose.

My seventeenth birthday was in three days time and I had to prepare myself for this happen.

But this year he was early. Something was different this time though, there was more promise behind it- although, in hindsight that didn't bother me. It was who it threatened that did. There were more players in Valerius' games now.

He was manipulative. He was cunning. He believed he owned me, he had a right to me because he 'saved' me. But he forgets one thing. I may not physically stronger, or have a fucking clue how all this mafia shit works in reality.

But I had thing he did. Unconditional support. Not only from my family, but from friends- my family weren't the only ones with connections in this world. I was wrapped up deep in for long enough with the Matias' that I gained my own circle of trust- people I knew that could get me away, hide me, at a seconds notice.

"Gaia did you hear a word I said?" Francesco asked me from the drivers seat, as we sat in the school parking lot waiting for the first bell.

Plus it was November- it was freezing in New York this time of year. I was enjoying the warmth and comfort of the heated seats.

"Uh huh." I replied absentmindedly as I continued to stare down at my phone. "What did I say then?"

I pause as I turn my head over to him, smiling sweetly. "Pretty sure you said something along the lines of me being your favourite person ever and you were going to buy me pancakes after school."

He sighed and rolled his eyes at me-"Nice try sorellina. I told you dad wants us all to attend a meeting with him and Giorgio tomorrow evening."

I groan. "I thought papa said I wouldn't have to go to them." He chuckles at me as I scowl lightly at him. "You've been requested piccolo."


Just my luck

We both got out of the car, after Cesco wrapped the scar tightly around my neck, leaving no room for the cold air to seep in. The only part visible were my eyes. The idiot even zipped up my coat for me since my hands were clad in gloves. We finally headed towards the doors, waiting by them was Maeve, Brie and Gabriel.

"Hey girl, we were wondering when you'd finally get out of the car." Brie greeted me with a bright smile, he nose slightly red. I smile back at her only to remember she can't actually see the lower half of my face.

"Yeah my brother needed to talk to me, plus I wasn't ready for the cold." They all laugh at me as I complain, we make our towards our first period- English.

We take our seats, Brie and Maeve were sat in a pair behind me, Gabriel wasn't in our class so I was sat by myself. As Ms. Stanley began reading through 'Of mice and men', our literature for the semester, the classroom door opens.

I didn't need to look up to know who it was as Ms. Stanley spoke.

"You are late as usual Mr. Maddente. Don't make this a habit." Her stern voice echoed int he room as she continued to stare down at the words on the pages. He didn't respond to her. The only thing that was heard was the scraping of a chair on the floor.

Right beside me.

As Ms. Stanley began reading again, I focused back to following along. That was until Josiah leaned across the table and whispered in my ear.

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