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Amori's POV

How am I supposed to feel right now?

I know she is my sister. But why doesn't it feel like her?

The adorably bubbly, smiley 2 year old I knew, was now a sarcastic, withdrawn 16 year old. Thats why I have been so distant, I want to be close to my sorellina, what brother wouldn't. I'm just worried, worried that she will leave again, be taken before I have a chance.

It's hard to believe I wasn't always like this, I was a carefree kid, I played football in high school. I grew past the difficulties of my sister being kidnapped and allowed myself to live, somewhere In the back of mind, I truly believed she was in a better place.

That she was safer.

But that one day, 5 years ago, well that changed everything for me. I was lost, I grew to hate everything, I didn't trust anyone, I pushed my own family away and locked myself away. It made me who I am today, I spend most days down at the warehouse, working out my 'anger and frustration', so apparently the only way I can do that is beating the shit or killing someone.

Oh the joys of being in the mafia.

I wonder where Gaia is now? I probably should have given her a proper tour, she might be lost. I hear the back door open quietly, so I assume she was heading for the garden, I shrug it off and go back to my video game.

That was until, I heard the back door open again, at first I thought it may have been Gaia coming back in, so I head to kitchen so I could offer to make her something to eat, but seeing a man walking through the door. It was like a switch had flipped, I was in protective mode.

I followed behind slowly, as quiet as possible, my gun was drawn as I ducked behind a few trees, or pillars on the way into the garden. I could see Gaia heading into the maze at the end of the garden.

She walks inside completely oblivious, the mysterious man turns around, making sure he wasn't being followed, smart man, but not smart enough as he runs inside, following my sister.

I run after him, still trying to be quiet, I can alert Gaia that I am here. He stops, staring over the hedges I assume at Gaia. I wasn't going to allow that, hell no. He begins to climb over the hedge and I shot him down. Thank Apollo for a silencer. The bullet pierces through his shoulder, he falls down to the floor with a loud thud, he cries in pain.

I hear a gasp, then silence.

Was there someone else?

Did she hear this?

Why did I use my gun, if she was only the other side of the wall?

Stupid Amori, fucking idiot.

I run around the corners, trying to find Gaia, is it always go left or is it right?

At this point I think I am running in circles, as I'm pretty sure I've ran past these yellow and pink roses at least three times. When I finally get there, she was frozen to her spot.

She was standing there staring at the top of the hedge, where the man was still lying. Did she see him, or did she just hear something?

"Bambina--" I approach her slowly, putting my hand on her shoulder, she turns around and smiles at me.

"Hey, what you doing here?" She smiles at me, an atmosphere of calmness around her, it was she wasn't fazed by the gunshot.

I look at her confused, "I couldn't find you in the house, I thought you might be here." I effortlessly lie.

She miles again, "Ok, did you hear the bang?"

I stay silent, trying to find a suitable lie, or just to ignore it and take her inside. I was clearly quiet for too long, when she speaks again.

"Amori? The bang, you couldn't miss it it was literally just there." She point at the bush, indicating the other side.

She wasn't supposed to hear it.

"I heard it, yeah, but I don't know what it was." She nods stiffly, walking ahead of me.

I need to talk to dad, someone needs to come and get the man from the maze before he dies. Plus knowing Gaia, she will ask questions.


Getting back inside the house, Gaia is frozen again to her spot in the doorway. "Piccolo... you going to walk inside?" I question, still looking down at her.

Her eyes were snapped on something in particular in the dining room, he was at beside Raffaele talking animatedly to Eliseo. I recognised who it was instantly, it was our cousin, Giancarlo. He was our Zia Gianna only child

I wonder why he was here.

Gaia was still frozen to her spot, staring him down. Was she intimidated? I gave her a small nudge into the seating area, she obliged following me over to my fratelli. I give Carlo a one sided hug.

Gaia was standing there watching the encounter oddly, she steps forward looking at his face. "I know you." She states blatantly.

Carlo crouches down looking at her, "I hope so piccolo dea, I am your cousin."

"No I know you from someplace else." We all look around confused. Then her eyes light up looking around at everyone. "Did you go to Matias Ball a few months ago."

"Yes. Why?"

"No reason." She suddenly shrinks away, inwardly knowing she slipped up.

What was she hiding?

She seem to be in her own little bubble, Raffaele clears his throat loudly getting their attention, Gaia perks down seeing Eliseo walking over to him hugging him. He smiles kissing her on top of her head.

I want that relationship with her.

She ruffles Raffaele's hair jokingly, he glares at her while she just chuckles. He smiles at her ruffling her hair in response. I've never seen Raff smile so brightly, hell smile at all.

"Raff. Amori shot a man who followed me into the maze."

All eyes turn to me in question. She knew what happened, why didn't she say anything before.

"Did you know who he was?" Raff question.

She doesn't say anything. 

Dad comes into the dining room, getting he full attention, sitting down beside Gaia. "How are you Tesoro?"

"I'm good papa, can I ask you a question?" She questions him.

"Do you know the Matias'?" Dad looks confused.

"How do you know the Matias' Gaia?" Dad flips her question on her. And again. She gives us silence, until she decides to talk.

"I got into...something about 5 years ago, it was horrible I block it all out. The Matias' found me, i guess to them, they saved me. When i left I went back into the system a few months later, but stayed in contact with them." She answer nonchalantly. Underneath, you can see something hidden behind her eyes. She isn't telling us the whole truth.

"Bambina... What happened 5 years ago?"


Sorry for the late or sporadic updates, I've been busy with work and a bit of writer's block :(

I want to attempt another update tonight, or tomorrow morning!!

Word Count: 1369 Words

--M <3

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