twenty- eight

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Today was my birthday.

Yet as I get older, the day isn't as special anymore. I mean the memories of my birthday haven't exactly been great.

I spent two with the Matias', a few more locked in a cell under the watchful eye of Michael or one of his rookies.

The only good memory is the year I spent it with Nora and her parents. They took us out for a meal and for pancakes afterwards. It was so... normal, it was something I wanted to happen year after year. I wanted all my birthdays with them.

But life had other ideas.

This year will be different. I am with my family. I'm surrounded by my brothers, my cousins and everyone else and I'm really excited. They've tried keeping it a secret, but secrets aren't a thing between Amori and i.

He told me last night that my friends have planned me a party at one of their houses, keeping it to our friends, Francesco and the twins are coming.

Although, I'm sure it'll turn into a full high school party if I know Gabriel... even Feliciano.

My bedroom door is opened and hear heavy pitter patters on the hardwood floor, it was the pups. They jump onto the bed and are on top of me kissing and licking my face, I try to push them away lightly so I can sit up, but fail miserably through my own laughter.

When they stop, I kiss both their heads lightly and scratch behind their ears; "Good morning babies." They lay down beside me as I settle back down in the bed. Looking over at the clock.


Yeah, I'm staying in bed.

I bury my head into my pillow hearing chuckling from the door, I open one of my eyes over Creedus to see Amori in the doorway- he must've let the dogs in. I move over in the bed, the dogs following. Amori comes and lies down beside me, one arm behind his head as he stares up at the ceiling.

"Happy Birthday piccolo dea." He whispers into the air, I smile turning my head to face him, he was already looking at me.

"Thank you Mor." He reaches over taking my hand off of Octavius' back and he holds my head on his chest. "Talk to me Gaia. What's going on with you."

"Wow way to put a damper on my birthday fratello." He laughs in response, but sends me a look to talk anyway. I sigh heavily.

"I love you. I love everyone so much that it overwhelms me. I'm so worried of losing it, that Valerius is going to do something stupid that I lose you guys- I don't want that to happen Mor." My voice was thick with emotion, I wanted to cry.

Today wasn't just my birthday, it was the day I sign my life away.

If Raff kept his promise I will be safe.

"Bambina. We aren't going anywhere, neither are you. You hearing me. You aren't leaving me. Not again, I promise I will always be here protecting you." I move closer to him, cuddling into him.

I wish you were right Amori, I truly do.

The moment of course was interrupted with my other brothers flooding into my room, Francesco leading the cavalry.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Cesco screams as he jumps on top of me, narrowly missing landing on Creedus, who just growls at him for interrupting his sleep.

He is a grumpy pup in the mornings.

As everyone wishes me happy birthday something was missing, or someone.

"Where's papa?" I question, everyone falls silent. "Guys just tell me." I keep my gaze on Raffaele who was trying to avoid my eye. "Raff? Where is he?"

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