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"Gaia follow my finger." I watch as Papa drags his finger through he air from left to right. He was checking I didn't have a concussion. I know I don't I never even fit my head when I fell after Michael let me go when Armano shot him. I feel shooting pain through my knees and my elbows where I tried to catch myself, and besides obvious bruising from his tight grip I am fine.

I'm fine.

Always have been, always will be, just fine.

When papa finally knows that I am alright he steps aside, he holds out his hand as he helps me off of the floor. I smile up at him graciously as I take in the scenes around me.

Papa leaves me leaning against the wall as he joins Armano in front of Michael, who is curled into a feral position a few feet away from me, clutching his wounded shoulder. Armano kicks him hard in the abdomen, so badly Michael coughs up some blood upon impact. Papa places a hand on Armano's shaking shoulder silently telling him to stop.

They lift Michael up from the floor from under his arms, they drag his feet along the floor and with all his might he resists their hold, although he is no match for papa and Armano. They make their way towards a blacked out Range Rover. A large man with dark hair and a tame stubble opens the boot of the car. He steps aside and alongs them to throw Michael inside, slamming the door on his screaming self.

Francesco was now beside me, when did he get here? He wraps his arm around my shoulders bringing me against him in a warm embrace. "Hey Bambola, how you doing?"

"Physically or mentally?" He shrugs, which probably means he doesn't mind which one I answer. "I feel alright, despite the bruising and lightheadedness I would say I will survive." He chuckles at me, pulling him closer to me, enveloping his warmth is the only normal I can imagine right now.

I mean I was just attacked and now papa had dragged his body into a weird car, driven by a mysterious man.

Totally normal.

"Why didn't you come inside?"

"Armano was close by didn't see the point, plus I was not prepared to be glared at." He rolls his eyes, "just embrace my good looks sorellina." I scoff pushing him away.

"Let's go home mi amore."



When we get back home, let's just say the house isn't silent. I could hear Raffaele in the kitchen. Papa tried leading me into the living room or the cinema room to get some rest, to relax, but lets be honest at a time like this that's the last thing I want to do.

I want to know how he found me.

I want to know who these people are. My family aren't normal, they are far beyond that.

I ignore their protests and head towards the kitchen, Raff's voice getting louder as I close the distance, the pure rage and anger was evident. He's terrifying. I slip through the door without being heard at all.

I sit down at the table, Francesco brings me a bottle of water and sits beside me. I smile at him before turning back to the carnage in front of me.

I know Raffaele knows I am here, he toned down the volume of his arguments, he doesn't want to scare me, alert me. Whatever is happening right now, it means more to him to protect me than scold Dima.

Wait... Dima?

His darkish blonde hair was messy, like he had ran his fingers through it hundreds of times, his back was turned to me but I could recognise the small skull tattoo on the back of his neck, behind his ear.

What was he doing here?

"YOU swore to protect her, YOU took the oath. YOU promised not only me but to our organisation. There is a lot riding on her survival and right now there is a long list of names who want your head!!!" He was seething, his eyes were crazed with anger. His fists were clenched tightly.

I've never seen Raffaele like this.

Is he my bodyguard?

If he is, he was not at the park by accident. They knew where I was, they sent him knowing I didn't want to see them. I thought I had met a stranger, I was never going to see again. A stranger who I could confide in without it coming back to bit me in the ass.

Here I am, I guess. A stranger hired to be there when they can't.

Sounds like a therapist, just weirder.

Why do I need a bodyguard?

"I would if I was allowed."

"You better start explaining, so help me God."

"I was asked by your grandfather to not hover over her at school, I'm not even allowed on school property. He said to trust you to take care of her safety within Kingston. He mentioned another son of the syndicate attended the school, so she was safe."

"Is it another guard?"

"No. It's his son."

"His son?" Raff questions him, still red with fury, but more relaxed. If that was possible right now because even I am confused beyond belief. "How is Josiah going to protect her."

"You know the answer to that Capo."

Yeah, he may know, but I don't. So please Dima elaborate.

When Raffaele doesn't say anything, Dima speaks again: "He is the Maddente heir, alongside Roman. It is pretty obvious to me that he is more than capable to protect her."

Josiah? As in my 'friend' from school?

I'm so confused? Why are all these people protecting me? Why do I need this level of protection?

"I need to meet this fucker who thinks he can protect her than her own family, her own empire. How can I trust this kid to keep an eye on my sorellina, to stop this from happening in the future!!! Give me answers Dima!!!"

Dima sighs, turning around looking at me dead in the eye. "I don't have all the answer Don, you should ask your grandfather. But he spoke to Stefano Maddente who promised his grandson would protect her."

I sigh, looking around at everyone who had now gathered in here; Papa, Eliseo, Armano. I shake my head at the thought.

"The lil bitch boy only wants to protect her because he has the hots for my sister." Francesco whines, which is weird to hear. But he wasnt wrong, Josiah definitely stared at me longer than others, and at times i welcomed it, but sometimes a girl doesn't need everything validated by a boy.

But that was irrelevant. For now. Bigger things are happening.

Fuck i want to sleep.


This chapter is very short, but this seemed like a good place to leave it. I did rush this chapter so it was out before I went to work so here we go my darlings!!

Over 16K READS!!!

Word Count: 1112 Words

--M <3

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