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Agostino's POV

14 years is a really long time to miss someone. It took 15 minutes for one catastrophe to turn into 14 years of living in my own personal hell.

Mi dolce angelo has been gone for 14 years. She was kidnapped at 2 years old by her mother's sister, her auntie.

She was jealous of the life her sister lived, she wanted the rich husband, the beautiful sons, she wanted what Victoria and I had. So, when she was asked to put Gaia to bed we had no suspicions, she did it right under our noses.

We trusted her with our lives, with our childrens lives and she took it for granted she fled with my daughter and we never saw the pair again.

That wasn't until 6 years ago when Dana, Victoria's sister, returned to the states after spending 6 years god knows where. She never returned with Gaia. After hours and hours of questioning she finally told us the worst news she could ever tell us.

'Gaia was in a better place'

We didn't know what to think nor expect when she came out with that stupid grin on her face. Was she dead? Was she safe elsewhere?

We never found out, she was killed later that day by me. She betrayed my family, who are and will always be my entire world. She was the reason my Victoria left.

After the death of her sister, She wanted a fresh start so she left, she got married to a childhood friend back in Australia. She was different after the kidnapping of her youngest child, her only daughter, there is only so much a mother can take, but she wasn't the same woman I married- and not in a good way. I never held her leaving against her. I loved her too much to do that to her.

But the one unforgivable act I will never forget. She chose to leave her boys, she left while they were all out of the house leaving nothing but her wedding ring and a letter for each of us. If losing my daughter wasn't enough to break my boys, that sure as hell did.

Those two events led to my oldest son Raffaele becoming a ruthless capo, he was formidable. Everyone feared him, they feared what he was capable of. Hell, even his own brothers were slightly terrified of him, anxious of what he was capable of.

Eliseo he was fine at first, he was just quiet, which was normal for him. But as a father you notice things others do not. He was eating less, he cared less about school. After the divorce, he dropped out of high school altogether and becoming fully invested in Romardi industries. I couldn't ask for a better CEO of the company.

The twins became the complete opposites of their sweet selves growing up, when Gaia was born they were only 5, they adored their sister, they wanted to send every waking moment possible by her side. But when she left, they became little devils, acting up about everything. Then when their mother left, it just got worse. They became angry and cold. Amori remained that way growing up which was helpful in our line of work, but Armano despite everything he retreated into himself. He became quiet, knowing it was probably best so he didn't get angry.

Now Francesco, our little boy was still so incredibly young when Gaia was kidnapped he didn't understand at all, as he got older, he understood it better. He was just upset he didn't remember her like his oldest brothers do.

But knowing now she was alive. I just wanted her back into my life, into my arms. I was so damn tempted to hug her at the meeting when she first stepped into the room. Of course I knew it was her straight away, those Romardi eyes never fail to shine through all the children. She had grown into a beautiful young lady.

How could one person look so much like her mother, but more like me?

I mean the bone structure and the high cheekbones, it's obvious as well from the eye and hair colour.

The only thing left to do is bring her home. But first, Eliseo and I need to tell the boys.

I was so incredibly thankful went to the meeting today, I was due back on my flight to New York, where we reside with Francesco and Armano. We were in California for business, we were having some trouble with some of our investors on the west coast. Eliseo was here anyway for the interview. So why not have a family trip to California during spring break? I mean, most the boys hated the idea, more specifically the younger ones.

We get home in the evening, we are sat at the table having dinner as a family, like always. Our plates have been taken and we just sit there in conversation about our days.

"Papa how was the interview with the scholarship kid?" Raffaele asks from beside me.

I share a look with Eliseo who just nods.

"Actually that was what we wanted to talk about." Everyone now has their undivided attention on me.

"What's wrong dad?" Armano asks, his eyebrow furrowed.

Eliseo spoke first. "The interview went well, she was incredibly smart. There was something rather unique about her though."

"How so?" Raffaele questions, closing the laptop.

"She was Gaia." I say bluntly.

"Way to drop the bomb on them pa." Eliseo chuckles.

"Are you sure it was her?" This time it was Amori, he looked shocked but relieved.

"Yes figlio (son). The same damn eyes, name, age. It was her. I know my figlia when I see her."

"What does this mean?"

"We are bringing her home."

It was silent for a while before Raffaele spoke up, "papa I want her home just as much as you do but is ideal. Will she be safe?"

Eliseo and I share another look, this time him urging me silently to take the lead this time.

"She currently is in foster care, we don't understand the situation thus far. But we are looking into the matters of her last name."

"Her last name?" Raffaele questioned once again.

I nod. "Her last name is Matias." My sons exchange looks with one another, we are all thinking the same thing. The Matias' were not good people, they ran a brutal organisation in South America.

I pray to whoever is out there, my daughter was never involved in anything with those people. No father wants to see their children in pain.

The silence was deafening. Amori was getting angrier, it was blatantly obvious. From the clenched fists to the narrowed eyes.

"So dad, when is she coming home?"



She's coming home... In the next chapter.

Word Count: 1141 Words

--M <3

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