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It was now Thursday, I've been at my new school four days and it's great, I haven't really made any friends yet but I kind of guessed that. Being related to the elusive Romardi Kings doesn't exactly help my case. I spend my lunch periods with them, with their friends.

I know me sitting with them doesn't annoy them, they probably prefer it, but I don't want to fall back on them entirely, I want to make my own friends around here. I won't have my brother around next year, the twins may still be here.

It's just a girl thing I guess, wanting to have your own friends to talk with, to be real with. It's been hard to find someone like that since Elonora.

Besides that, papa is finally going to be home today, he was supposed to be home on Tuesday morning but unfortunately some of the managers in the London office messed around with some of the numbers that needed to require papa's attention. It's weird, I've been back home just over a week and I already miss my papa, knowing him properly on 3 days.

It was strange, I didn't want to get attached to them as quickly as I did, but I finally felt comfortable I couldn't deny that I am scared that once truths come out they won't want me around much anymore. I'm just hoping and praying it doesn't come to it.

Cesco pulls into the driveway and we both make our way into the house, we walk into the living room to greet the rest of our brothers. Eliseo was home earlier than usual, Armano was home too- but I don't think he ever really leaves the house. Papa was sitting beside Eliseo, he was wearing a suit as per usual, he was reading a book.

"Papa!!" I walk quickly into the living, throwing my arms around my papa's neck. He laughs at me as he wraps me up in his arms.

"Mi amore, how are you?" I sit down beside him, leaning against him entirely.

"I'm alright. How was London?"

"Stressful. I'm just happy to be home." He sighs tiredly. You could see in his eyes how tired he was, I felt bad. It was the same with Raffaele, he always has dark circles underneath his eyes.

What even is Raffaele's job?

I don't think I have ever asked him. Does he work for the family business?

I finish talking to papa to get ready for dinner.

I think it was finally time to ask them about our mother, or their mother since I don't remember her at all, whatever happened. I have never heard them talking of her, no photos around the house of a woman.

It was like she never existed.

Armano knocks on my door, letting me know it was dinner and we make our way down together. I take my seat beside Amori and Eliseo. One of the maids dishes up dinner, which was a seafood risotto. It looked and smelt amazing.

We all dig in and I roll my eyes in awe. It tastes even better.

The table was mostly silent, only light conversation when we first sat down about school, or their days at work. I stayed most quiet during dinner, nervous to bring it up.

I don't know how they will react.

I was nervous, that much was obvious.

"Piccolo are you alright? Are you not hungry?" Raffaele talking to me brings me out of my trance, I was slightly confused until I looked down at my plate where I was subconsciously pushing the delicious food around my plate.

"I'm fine-" I trail off, seemingly getting distracted again by the food on my plate that was just sitting there getting cold.

My nerves have truly eaten away at my appetite.

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