
6.6K 183 7

I was still laying in bed, It was 11am on a Saturday, I had no intentions of getting up anytime soon, mostly because I'm pretty sure no one is home.

I heard papa come into my room this morning around 7, he kissed my forehead lightly. He whispered something in Italian. I'm pretty sure it was something along the lines of 'I'll see you later, I love you.'

I was slowly learning the language, most nights after I have finished homework Armano will join me in the kitchen, or in either of our bedrooms and he would teach me. I knew most of the basics, like pronouns, verbs and stuff like that. He thought I was best to start with words that connect and string sentences together. He also taught me command words for the dogs.

Apparently they tend to respond better in Italian, which is pretty fun and quite cool so here we are.

But laying here in bed, I had Octavius laying across my shoulder, I was laying on my stomach so most of his body was across the top of my back. Creedus was also in here with me, he was laying curled up between my legs like he was a tiny puppy, he came in about 30 minutes ago when Armano came and said bye.

I open my eyes slowly, my eyes adjusting the the sun that was beaming through my blinds. I reach over to my phone on my bedside table, I look over as I reach for it and there was a small vase of daisies on the side table.

There was an array of colours, from white, to pink to yellow. They were beautiful. They weren't there when I fell asleep last night so who brought them in here. I look to the vase and there was a white wax- sealed envelope, I tried sitting up but quickly realised I had two dogs laid across me.

"Avanti." (Up) I command, and almost instantaneously the pups were upright, moving off of me and laying elsewhere on the bed.

I actually can't believe it worked.

My Italian pronunciation and accent weren't perfect but it was getting there. I mean I haven't known I was Italian my entire life, I need to cut myself some slack.

I opened the envelope and I go into a state of shock, I drop the envelope to the ground. I gasp loudly which alerted the dogs, who started barking loudly.

It was no use, no one was at home. The dogs were getting louder, they were crowding me, protecting me. I wasn't sure if it was bothering me more or calming me down.

My bedroom door opened, the dogs wouldn't back off at all. "Ms. Romardi, are you alright?" I heard the voice, it sounded so far away. It might be one of the many guards around here, it definitely was if I was home alone. "Ms. Romardi, can you hear me?" His voice was no panicked, he tried reaching for me but Creedus snapped at his hands.

I reached my hand out for Creedus, I pet his short fur, it as reassuring, I was now slowly calming down. Octavius came forward and stood guard over me as Creedus laid across my lap.

"Ms. Romardi do you want me to call anyone?" He sounded so unsure, I looked up at him. I nodded. "Call Raff."

I don't know why I said to call Raff, and not papa he was the first name that came to mind and eventually I just went along with it.

I was still hyperventilating on the floor, when my bedroom door swung open with so much force I thought It was going to come off the bloody hinges.

Someone spoke with such authority, that Creedus and Octavius were off of me in a flash. The body that stormed through the bedroom door was now crouching down in front of me. My hands were shaking, pretty much my entire body was.

The persons hands came to my face, holding my head still, tilting it so I was now looking at them but my eyes still remained entirely unfocused. "Bambina, can you look at me?" They whispered.

I knew their voice, I was trying. I was trying so goddamn hard to focus not heir voice.

"Bambina focus on my voice okay? Breathe in- 1,2,3,4. Thats good, let it out 1,2,3. Alright keep repeating it-- Good--." My breathing relaxed, my heart rate settled somewhat but it was still practically beating out of my chest. I blink hard a few times and slowly my eyes refocus on ym surroundings.

I was in my bedroom, on the floor, leaning against my bed.

Jesus Christ the floor was freezing. My ass is so numb... How long have been sat down here for?

"Bambina, Gaia look at me." I looked to them. It was Raffaele, his eyes were concerned, his hold on my face was soft but it was taut. He had no intentions of letting go. He maintained strong eye contact, I just wanted to cower away from it.

I feel so embarrassed.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have dragged you away from work like that. It was selfish." Raffaele shook his head at me, frowning slightly. Very different from his usual straight, emotionless face.

"Don't say stuff like that. I was worried about you what happened?" He questioned me. I was exactly prepared for this.

Did this mean I had to be honest about everything?

The memories flooded my mind, I couldn't do it. Not yet.

If I told them it would give him more reason to come and get me, to find me. To haunt me.

I was panicking again, my breathing was getting heavier, louder, more rapid.

"He's coming." I whispered, wrapping my hands around my knees, hugging them close to me.

"Woah, woah. Hey. Who is coming Gaia? No one can get you here." He sounded so sure of him self, I wanted to believe him.

But only one person knows of my love of daisies, who would have left a note like that.

"Raff you don't understand. He's already here." I whispered again, letting my tear filled eyes meet Raffaele's, his eyes soften considerably. He brought my body closer to his own. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and held me as I cried.

I fucking hate crying, it makes me feel weak. I feel like all I've done since getting here has been crying.

"I don't understand." He commented. I rolled my eyes pulling away from.

I pointed to the vase of daisies with a shaking hand, reaching for the discarded note on the floor. I held the note to him, but his attention was still on the daisies.

"I didn't know you liked daisies bambina." I scoffed, passing the note to them. "I love them." I mutter. Raff opened the envelop slowly, his eyes were downcast, but I could tell he was confused by the quirked brow and the crease lines on his forehead.

He pulled the note out and I got shivers.

'My precious Gaia, how I have missed you so. Dont stress my dear, you will see me very soon. I hope you like the daisies, they remind me of you'

- ML

"ML?" Raffaele questioned. his eyes turning to mine.

"Michael Laurel, I guess you could call him an old friend." I shrugged, letting out a sarcastic smiles, which was just a 'hmph'

"Why is he sending you flowers saying he will see you soon?"

"Michael is a psycho Raff, he has obsessions. His favourite is pleasing his boss."


Not sure how I feel about this chapter, I stopped writing it because I was watching the England vs. Denmark Euros game!!

Thank you all for 3K It means the world to me!!

A/N: Updates might take a little longer over the next few weeks due to work and completely Trouble. So I apologise in advance my darlings.

Word Count: 1320 Words

--M <3

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