twenty- two

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Our Josiah Everyone... Look at me doing two updates in a week!!!


After Papa forced me to have a few days off of school, which quickly turned into a week, to recover from my injuries and just recover mentally, I was feeling so much better. I spent most of time with Amori, I guess we had a lot to catch up on over the last few years.

I'm not sure when it all clicked in my head that he was the sweet teenage boy in the cell opposite but whenever little hints were dropped about his past everything began to make sense, especially when I first started telling my family about my complicated history.

Even if Amori wasn't that boy it felt like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders when I had finally told him and the rest of the family when we left the clinic. Amori didn't want everyone knowing the traumatic experiences he had been through, wanting to keep that a secret between us.

I wanted nothing more than to be there for him, now and in the future.

But today is Thursday, papa was finally allowing me to go back to school, I had spoken everyday with the girls and Gabriel who were missing me and updating me on the latest high school dramas.

It surprised me how much I missed in such a short amount of time.

"If you feel overwhelmed or need anything mi amore, do not hesitate to call me I will be as soon as I can." My papa reassures from opposite me at the kitchen island. I nod, smiling over my glass of orange juice.

When I have finished I leave the table forgetting my bag upstairs in my room and a jacket, it was getting colder here in New York. As I was passing the rooms back towards the foyer, I am met with a black buttoned up shirt of Raffaele.

I smile up at him meekly, we haven't had much interaction since he brought Vito here, in his own he apologised, he bought me daisies. He told me I needed a new memory of the flowers. My favourite flowers he remembered.

"Good Morning tesorini."

"Morning Raff." I reply, following him down the stairs. "You back to school today?" He questions, I look down at my uniform with an obvious look. He shakes his head at me in response.

"Can you promise me that you will careful, be super aware of your surroundings? I'll make sure some cars flag you and Cesco, just as an insurance to me that you will be fine."

The big scary Capo cared about someone other than himself.

Armano had taught me that Capo meant boss in Italian, I had heard a few people calling him that too around the house like security and some of his clients when they visit him at home.

I nod at him in response, not entirely sure what to say. Just then, Francesco enters the foyer letting me know we are leaving, I shout bye to everyone, not waiting for their response.

When we finally got to school, I was immediately flocked by Maeve and Brielle who were waiting outside the school gates for me. They asked me if I was alright straight away, they were clearly worried. But I was in position to tell them the truth of what happened. It would confuse then, lead to more questions.

I trusted them with the part of myself I let everyone see.

We all made our way to sociology, we had to turn in our project today which had been delayed due to my absence, Fabiano insisted on finishing my part of the assignment but I couldn't let him do that. Plus, it gave me something to focus on something beside just my life.

Just this school day was dragging, I was over it. I had so much homework to give in today, missed assignments and needed to submit my Italian coursework, which took me forever to complete with how far behind I was.

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