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I don't know if I have said this before but I hate school.

After the study session on Sunday with Fabiano and Maeve, we did the group aspects then and now we have to complete an individual essay on our thoughts and opinions about what our partners told us. We have to bring in statistics and different government policies towards childhood.

I decided to go down the foster care system, pointing out its many flaws and how they could be improved so children don't get put through hell or abuse that I have witnessed in only two years in the system.

Using all my free periods to write this shitty essay and I haven't been able to focus at all, I always get distracted by my phone, or find a way to chat with my friends. I even resorted to begging Armano to write it for me.

He of course said no, he did say he would help me but it's not the same as having it done for you.

The only place I have been able to focus enough to write 200 words of the 1500 minimum is the library. There is hardly anyone in here so with my earphones in I can actually focus on some of my research. I have two more free study periods after this so I'm aiming to finish it by the end of today.

The chair opposite me scraps backwards, loud enough that I look up from my laptop and books around me. The pen that was balancing against my bottom lip stills when I catch sight of who it was.

I look over at him over the rim of my glasses, my eyes meeting his green eyes that were already staring back at me.

His tanned skin appeared clear, but up close you can notice the small blemishes that appear across his t-zone, his high cheekbones and the sharp jawline just make him more handsome. Hated to admit but he was.

I realise he was checking him out majorly, so turn my eyes away from him. Light pink dusting my cheeks as I turn my attention to anything other than the boy opposite me.

"Can I help you?" I ask him unsurely, still looking at him over my glasses, the pen now abandoned on the table between us. He leaned forward on the table, his blazer tightening around his wide shoulders and large arms. He clasps his hands together showing off his veiny hands and his statement rings on his fingers.

"I prefer your company to most." He shrugs, his voice low almost a whisper due to our surroundings. This is the first time I am hearing his voice, even with it being a whisper it was something different entirely.

I could listen to voice every night before going to sleep and it would probably lull me to sleep.

Slow down Gaia, you are sixteen. You don't understand this shit yet. Calm the fuck down.

"You can talk?" I joke, smiling at him.

The slightest of curl of his upper lip that indicates a slight smile, but as quickly as t appears it's gone; "Ah you have jokes."

I laugh again, someone shushes me from the opposite end of the table but with a slight glare from Josiah they shut up leaving us alone once again.

"So you enjoy my company? I'm flattered."I place a hand on my heart, he shakes his head in response. "I preferred the silence."

"Duly noted. So tell me about yourself."

"You just going to ignore me?." I nod, smiling at him. He rolls his eyes. "What has Gabriel said about me?"

"Just that you're a senior, you're from some rich family from Europe."

"He was right."

"Way to be blunt Josiah. Where in Europe are you from?" I question him, leaning forward on the table, in an attempt to get closer to him as subtle as possible.

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