Request | Dare #20

Start from the beginning

Valt Aoi who is watching from behind freeze in shock, hazel brown eyes darken, his whole body is terribly shaking at the scene he witness.

The squad share the same grim expression, this sight is so hard to watch because out of everyone, Valt took the revealation the hardest.

"I've cracked the case, I knew it was you all along" Lui said bluntly, coldly and harshly with a hint of insult.

"This guy know everything" Bell said speaking from experience and others nod.

Shu let out a angry scream

The squad wince at his shout, they could feel the despair and disappoinment on his scream.

"My old friend you become great at losing, even the best" Lui's insulting comment doesn't help the situation, as he maniacally let out a laugh.

"He act so evil" Drum mutter sadly, he knew Lui is mean but he never expect it to this extent.

"Hey wait!" Valt shout in hoping to gain Shu's attention but the albino just keep on walking away, ignoring the cry and plead of his best friend.

"Hold on, don't leave, talk to me" Valt spoke weakly, the squad grimace, if you listen carefully to Valt's voice, you can hear the crack, a sign he's close to crying but still keeping a straight composure

"Stop" Valt put both of his hands to Shu's shoulder to make him stop.

"Dude, I've been searching all over, I finally found you" Valt said bit Shu didn't respond, crimson eyes shine in disinterest, he let off Valt's hands.

Valt is noticably hurt at his best friend behavior, however he didn't back down.

"Come on it's me, Shu—"

"You get out of my way"

And that was blow needed to make Valt's world turn upside down, hazel brown eyes widen in shock, betrayal and pain, a silent painful eyes fall down on his cheek

This is truly a heartbreaking scene

"Can we leave now? I can't watch this anymore" Hyuga request, a sign of hurt can heard on his voice, his hands are shaking, the other didn't respond but they silently agree on his statement as they share the same dread feeling

Hashi understand, it was hard to watch it in there very own eyes

"Yeah, let's go home"


"Hashi...? This is not home— Wait where is Hashi"

Bell's bewildered exclaim make everyone look around in panic

"Hashi leave us" Hyuga cries

"Calm down, maybe there's reason we are here." Hikaru calm down his brother

"Psst, guys look it's young Valt"

Everyone turn around where Drum is pointing out.

From afar, the young version of Valt Aoi is sitting sadly in the bench.

"What should we do?" Drum ask

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