College Chronicles: Is Shit Getting Real...Again?(Female Reader)

Start from the beginning

Back at the apartment with Gi-hun, Gi-hun was slurping away on some noodles when he looked up at the window to see a shadow figure there.

"What the hell?" Gi-hun muffled out as he slurped up the remaining noodles and got up. The shadow figure didn't notice Gi-hun at first until Gi-hun spoke.

"Hey!" Gi-hun yelled which caught the shadow figure's attention and make them run off. Gi-hun ran outside to see the shadow figure gone but looked down to see an envelope. Gi-hun picked it up and opened it to see pictures of you in class, Sae-byeok doing her modeling during class, and Ga-yeong outside for recess. Gi-hun felt his heart beginning to race once he saw a note on the inside.

Better watch your ladies real carefully...wouldn't want them to disappear.

~The Killer Snakes

"The Killer Snakes?" Gi-hun mumbled to himself. "I gotta alert the guys this." Gi-hun ran back inside to send a text to the groupchat.

Gi-hun: Everyone needs to get home now after school.

My 나쁜 여자: Me and Sae-byeok just picked up Ga-yeong. We were about to head out for ice cream but okay, we'll be home in a few.

Gi-hun: Okay, good.

Gi-hun sighed as he turned off his phone and looked at the photos.

"This is bad." Gi-hun thought to himself.

With you

After you picked up Ga-yeong from pre-school you noticed that Ga-yeong was extremely quiet.

"Chipmunk, what's wrong?" You asked.

"Um, mommy?" Ga-yeong asked. "Do you have a feeling that you're being watched?" When she asked that you and Sae-byeok looked at each other side eyed and worried.

"Y-yeah actually." You said as you tried to focus on the road.

"There was some shadowy like human who was staring at me with a scary smile and waving at me." Ga-yeong explained. 

"So I'm not the only one." You thought to yourself.

"This is starting to scare me." Sae-byeok said. "You feel like you're being watched, Ga-yeong's feeling like she's being watched...something's up."

"Don't worry, we're almost home." You said. "We can just have a nice di-"

Just before you could finish your sentence, you heard a car screech along with a car horn honking.


With Gi-hun

Gi-hun was pacing back and forth waiting for you, Sae-byeok, and Ga-yeong to get home.

"Where are they?" Gi-hun asked. "They should've been here by now."

"Maybe it's traffic." Ali said. Gi-hun slammed his fist against the wall in frustration.

"This is starting to scare me." Gi-hun said. "The reason why I called everyone home was this." Gi-hun took out the photos. "Some shadowy figure came by and dropped these when I saw them by the window."

"Have you tried calling them?" Sang-woo asked.

"Yes! Like 15 times!" Gi-hun yelled. "No one answered."

"I can try then." Sang-woo said as he pulled out his phone and dialed.

He waited and waited until it went to voicemail.

"Well both went to voicemail." Sang-woo said. "Ali you try." Ali did the same thing only to get the same results.

"Okay now I'm really starting to worry." Ali said. Gi-hun's phone vibrated startling him. He took it out to see a video call from an unknown number.

"H-hello?" Gi-hun began. The shadowy figure chuckled as they turned the camera to see you and Sae-byeok knocked out and tied up.

"Looking for them?" The shadowy figure asked.

"Where are they!? What have you done with them?" Gi-hun yelled.

"Nothing...yet." The shadowy figure said.

"Where's my daughter you sick fuck!?"Gi-hun said.

"Somewhere safe...for now." The shadowy figure said.

"I swear to God if you lay a hand on either one of them...I will find you and I will fucking kill you." Gi-hun said through gritted teeth.

"You want your ladies back...come find me and maybe they'll come outta here in one piece." The Shadowy figure said as they hung up.

"Fuck!" Gi-hun yelled. "They've been kidnapped!"

"We gotta find them." Sang-woo said.

"Yeah but we're also gonna need some help as well." Gi-hun said as he dialed a number.

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