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When I woke up, Taemin was nowhere to be found. Seeing this, I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Taemin. He had packed some clothes for Tyla to take to his parents. This was sent about half an hour ago. 

I then slide on my slippers and walk out to the living room. Today I can take the time to give the apartment a deep clean. I've been meaning to change some stuff around. I was getting bored of the way things looked. I opened up all the blinds and opened the balcony door to allow some fresh air into the apartment. I then turned on my mini speaker, connecting my phone to it and playing some music. 

Who cleans without music? Not I.

The first thing I did was clean the kitchen. I sanitized all of Tyla's cups and utensils then washed all of the dishes, including what was in the cabinets. I then organized all the cabinets. I wanted to get a spice organizer so bad. 

Getting distracted, I look on amazon for spice organizers as well and cereal containers and refrigerator dividers as well. 

I also made a mental note to myself to go to the market and pick up some stuff. 

Focusing back on cleaning, I clean the stove down and clean the inside of the oven. I then move on to the fridge, making sure to take everything out before cleaning it as well. 

I didn't want to clean the floor yet until everything else In the apartment was clean. 

After cleaning the kitchen. I moved on to the living room. It wasn't much to do there besides wipe down all the surfaces, tables, tv, pictures, Tyla's toys, the balcony door. I then removed the fabric covers from the seats and threw them in the washer. After gathering all of Tyla's toys together, I took them into her room and began to clean in there. doing the same as the living room. I hadn't yet started the washer yet so I threw her bedding in there as well then started it. 

"Ok, now I only have to do the bathroom and my room." I said to myself. 

I figured it would be best to start on the bathroom since I could get that done faster. 

As I had been cleaning, I couldn't help but sing along to Drake's 'Make Me Proud'. This song right here...

" I know things get hard, but girl, you got it Girl, you got it, there you go" I sang as I moved my body to the beat. 

Soon I moved on to the shower, layering on the cleaning supplies before scrubbing away. 

"But baby, if you ask me to take a break I'll give it all away, don't care what the people say. I'll be a million, billion, trillion miles away. He asked my sign, I said a Sag'..." I continued. 

Once I was finished scrubbing. I got up and turned the shower head on so that I could wash it all away. When I finished washing the shower, I turned to the door, only to be startled by Taemin standing in the doorway. 

"Please. My heart almost fell to my stomach." I said grabbing my chest. "How long were you there?"

"Ever since you started cleaning the shower." 

"What? Really?" That was like 10 minutes ago.

"Yea." He said smiling. "Sorry I was gone for so long, Eomma wouldn't let me leave. She asked why you didn't come with me."

"Oh. Is she alright? How's Tyla?"

"Yea they are fine. Tyla really likes being with Eomma. She is gonna spoil her more than I do. I also picked you up some breakfast."

"Thank you. 

"Take a break and come eat."


As we sat down and ate, something popped up in my head. An image I did not like one bit. 


"Yes, baby?"

"If I ever see another woman in your face, I might kill her." I said in all seriousness, paying attention to my plate. 

"... Baby..." I could tell he was a little surprised at what I said. "What made you say that?"

"A thought just popped up in my head. I know I'm a mother now so I don't really tussle anymore, but I'm so serious." 

"Baby, if you feel like someone might take me away from you, then there is something wrong. You shouldn't feel like that. What did I do to make you feel like that?"

"Nothing... I- I don't know why I said that. It just came out." I said sitting my fork down. 

"Ok baby. Don't think like that. I'm not going anywhere."

A Blessing From God/ TaeMinDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora