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"New York?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at Taemin's suggestion. "Yea. It's Tyla's first New Year.  It's OUR first New Year together. I think we should all go to see the ball drop." Taemin said stirring the ramen. 

"Ok. Yea. That sounds fun. Tyla will definitely love watching all those colors on the ball." I said, picking Tyla up from her play-pen and placing her in her seat at the table. After doing so, I walked over to the fridge to grab the mac and cheese, checking to make sure it was cooled down enough now. 

"We could get an Airbnb or a hotel, spend that weekend there and do some fun things. " Taemin said placing a bowl of Ramen in front of me before kissing my temple then sitting down. "Thank you," I said before pausing. "Well, New years is this weekend. I'll look and see if I can find an Airbnb for this Friday through Sunday." 

"I can look." Taemin replied, grabbing his phone from the table. Within 10 minutes, he had been sliding his phone across the table. I finished feeding Tyla the last spoonful of mac and cheese before placing her into my lap and picking up the phone to look at the Airbnb. "Ok. I like this. It looks warm and comfortable." "Ok, then we can book this one."


"Appa." I heard quietly from the backseat. "Babygirl, Appa is driving." Taemin replied, paying attention to the road. "APPA!" "Babygirl. You gotta wait" Taemin replied, holding in a laugh. "APPA APPA APPA APPA APPA!!!" I swear that's all she says all day. "Tyla..." Taemin replied, struggling to bite back his laugh. I, on the other hand, unstrapped my seatbelt, reaching into the backseat to grab Tyla.

"What are you doing? That's gonna get us in trouble." Taemin said, noticing what I was doing. "Ill hold her down. She wants to see daddy." I replied, sitting back on my seat and carefully holding Tyla in my lap. "I swear, you girls..." Taemin said, shaking his head. A few moments later, Taemin had been pulling over and parking near a restaurant. 

Once he had fully turned the car off, he reached over for Tyla, grabbing her from my lap. "What's wrong babygirl?".  Smiling had been her way of replying. "Come on lets grab some food and stretch our legs. He then handed her back over to me, getting out of the car. Before I could open the door to step out, Taemin had already been doing so. 

The restaurant had been a diner with a retro theme. Really beautiful. Before sitting down, I checked Tyla to make sure she didn't need a diaper change, to wich she did. Grabbing her diaper bag, I turn to walk towards the bathroom. 

Shortly returning to the table where we had been seated, I sit down in the booth and place Tyla on my lap. "I got you a sweet tea and juice for Tyla. It should be here soon." Taemin said, sliding a menu over to me. "Ok. thank you."

As I had been looking at the menu, I couldn't help but glance up at Taemin occasionally. He looked so attractive, biting at his lip and he contiplated what he wanted to order. I guess I had been so lough in my thoughts that I didn't even notice our drinks be placed on the table and Tyla immediately reached for it. However, Taemin was able to move the cup away from her. 

"Everything alright." Taemin asked, looking up at me. 

"Uh... Yea."

"Don't think I didn't catch you looking." He said smirking. 

"Oh... Sorry." I said slightly embarrassed.

He then chuckled, shaking his head slightly.

"Baby, there is no need to be sorry. I'm yours. You can look all you want." He said, leaning forward and giving me a sweet kiss. 

Don't gotta tell me twice. 

A Blessing From God/ TaeMinWhere stories live. Discover now