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I had been in my room for a few hours until someone knocked on the door. Of course, it had been Momma.

"What happened to you'll be back? What's wrong?" She asked, entering the room before I could give a response to the knock.

"Sorry. I just needed some space."

"Are you ok? Is it Taemin and all those people?"

"You know me so well."

"Yea.. you whined and cried so much about wanting him back home and now that he's home, he's been barely paying you attention. But it's his family who lives all the way across seas. I see the situation from both sides." Momma said, sitting at the end of the bed.

"Yea I know. Besides, he'll be here for the rest of the week."

"Have you eaten anything yet?"

"No. I'm fine. I'll probably just get some later tonight after everyone leaves."

Momma then gave me this look, but nonetheless, got up and left. Sitting my phone down, I take off my sweater and get comfortable in bed, taking this opportunity to take a nap. 


Taemin POV~

"Hey, Marceline. Where is Lia?" It was nearly 9 and everyone was about to go. I thought Lia would want to say bye and eomma has something she wants to ask Lia. 

"She should be in her room still. She's been there for a few hours." She said, looking over at me after checking the time on her phone. Hours?!

"Hours?" I questioned, concerned.

"Yea. She wasn't feeling well." Marceline said, biting at her lip as if she wanted to say something different. I kind of had an idea of what. 

"Thank you." I said before taking off towards the house. I've never been to her old room, so I would have to find it on my own.

Walking upstairs to the second floor, I check every door until I came across a room that had a sleeping person in it. I carefully walked into the room, shutting the door behind me. Lia had been sleeping peacefully, huddled up under her blanket. 

"Baby. Wake up." I said carefully pulling the blanket off her. Once she felt the blanket being pulled off of her, she grabbed them, trying to pull them back up. 

"Baby. It's 9. Wake up."  I said before kissing her cheek. 

"9?" She repeated after me, half-sleep. 

"Yes, baby."

She then sat up, rubbing her eyes. Kneeling down in front of her, I grabbed her shoes and placed them on her feet, tieing each shoestring. I then grabbed her sweater from off the bed and helped her into it. 

"Are you ok?" I asked, helping her up.

"Yea. I'm fine." 

"I'm sorry I left you all alone." I said, feeling bad.

"Oh no. Don't be."

"No seriously. I didn't even realize you were gone for a while."

"Taemin, it's fine. You were enjoying time with your family and friends. Where is Tyla?"

"She is with Eomma. They wanted to say bye to you before I take them back to the Airbnb."

"Oh. Ok. I need to wash my face. " She said before heading towards the direction of her door. I then grabbed her purse and her phone from the nightstand before exiting the room behind her and waiting by the bathroom for her. When she came out. I placed her purse on her shoulder, placing her phone inside before grabbing her hand and leading her out of the house.

Na'Lia POV~

When I entered the backyard, I approached Taemin's parents. Tyla had been in his mom's arms, nearly sleep and she munched on an oreo.

"Hi. Did you all enjoy your day?" I asked

"Yes. We had so much fun. Thank you for inviting us out."

"Of course, You guys are always welcomed."

"Eomma has something she wants to ask you, baby." Taemin said, ushering his mom to ask. 

"Yes. Is it ok if we keep Tyla for a few days?" 

Uh... Days? Should I? I mean, I did just tell momma I would let her spend time with Tyla. 

"Sure." I said.

Part of me wanted to say no. But they are her family too and it would be wrong of me to say no. Besides, it's only a few days while they are here. 

"She has some clothes here. How long did you want to keep her?"

"Just until Wednesday" Ok that's 5 days. Isn't that a little too long?

"Ok. Well, I'll give you the clothes she has here and I can bring over more clothes tomorrow."

"Thank you, dear."

"No problem. I should be saying thank you."

I then walked off towards the house to go and get her clothes ready. She only had two outfits here and momma's house and one pajama set. After packing her clothes into the bag, I packed her sippy cup into the bag along with pampers and the usual. 


"I honestly didn't think you would say yes." Taemin said with his eyes closed as I slid in bed next to him. "Huh?" I asked, confused on what he was referring to. 

"I didn't think you would let Eomma take Tyla with her." He said, opening his eyes and turning his body to face me. "Well, I didn't see a reason not to. They are her grandparents and they live so far away. They don't really get to see her like how they should."

"When I found out I was going to be stationed this far away, I tried to get them to move. But they didn't want to. But I'll ask again. I really want them to be close to us. Especially now that they have a grandchild."

"Yea. It would make things much easier if they did move. They would be closer to us and you could visit whenever you have the chance to."

"Definitely." He said before pausing. "Thank you."

"What for?"

"You know, meeting everyone today. I know you're not a people person, per se. But I'm glad you met everyone and you and Marceline had them over and made them feel very welcomed. And the food you guys made was so good."

"Oh. Of course. Everyone was so nice. I kind of feel bad for not sticking around."

"Don't be. You'll see more of them in the future."

With that, I cuddled up close to Taemin before drifting off to sleep. 

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