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I could barely sleep last night. I don't know why I just had this feeling and I couldn't stop thinking about it. It wasn't a bad feeling. It was far from that, so I tried to ignore it.

As soon as 7 am came, I carefully got up. Taemin had still been asleep.

The first thing I did was check on Tyla. She was still peacefully sleeping. Going back into the room, I grab my phone and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I then went to the kitchen to brew some tea.

Once my tea was finished, I poured a cup and added some lemon and honey then grabbed the sofa blanket and my slippers to sit on the balcony. Once comfortable, I called Momma.

"Good morning." She said, answering the phone.

"Good morning momma. You're up nice and early."

"Yea. I have to go to the market to get some groceries. How are you?"

"I'm... fine. Taemin came back yesterday and he is staying with us for the break."

"Ohhh ok. That's great. You don't sound like your fine though baby."

"No! I am. It's just... Momma, we had sex last night and-"

"Y'all had sex!?" She then paused. "Ok. I keep forgetting you are grown with a child. I'm sorry. But... I hope y'all not trying for more kids?"

"No Momma. I was just saying that... it made me feel some type of way."

"Was it bad?"

"No, not at all. Momma... Taemin is such a sweet person. He did everything right. I just can't pinpoint the feeling I had. It's been on my mind all night. I could barely sleep. I had the butterflies in my stomach and-"

"Baby that is just love. People experience it in different ways and that was just your way of experiencing it."

"Yea I thought so, but it just felt so different."

Momma then laughed.

"You're still young. Baby, you still have a lot more to experience."


"Where is my grandbaby?"

"She is still asleep. She and Taemin both are still asleep. I should go ahead and start on breakfast. I'll talk to you later momma. I love you."

"Love you to baby. I'll talk to you later."

After talking to momma, I finished my tea then went back inside. Taemin had been in the kitchen with Tyla, pouring some juice into her cup.

"Why are you giving my baby juice first thing in the morning?"

"Can she not have juice in the morning?" Taemin said laughing a bit.

"She usually drinks milk in the morning. I'll let it slide just this once." I said as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"How are you?" Taemin asked.

Maybe in reference to last night.

"I'm great. Thank you." I said smiling at him.

"Great." He said smiling.

"What do you want for breakfast? I was thinking maybe French toast with bacon and eggs."

"Yea. That sounds good."

"Ok. I'll make Tyla's oatmeal first. Once it's done, can you feed it to her please?"

"Yea of course."

After eating breakfast, I bathed Tyla.

"Baby. Did you have any plans for today?" Taemin asked as I had been giving Tyla her bath.

"No. I did want to do something with Tyla. I haven't really taken her out to do much besides see momma and you at the base."

"Do you want to take her to the aquarium? Let her see all the little turtles and fishies." He said ticking Tyla, causing her to smile and laugh.

Awwww sooo cute.

"Yea. That sounds nice." In the back of my mom, I was more than excited for us to go out and spend time as a family.

Yea I got a man who's in the military. Do y'all know what that means??? Discounts on everything.

"Great. We can go around 1. That will give us enough time to look at everything and take our time."


"Look at the fish Tyla! Isn't it pretty?" I said as I held Tyla.

She had been amazed and in awe with every different sea creature, she came across so far. This one, in particular, was a pretty beta fish. It was red and white.

Tyla tried to reach down into the tank to touch the fish, so the guy watching over the tank picked it up and held it for her to touch.

Knowing she would do so aggressively, I grabbed her hand and allowed her to gently touch the fish. Once she touched it, she tried to grab it.

"No Tyla. You can't do that!"

The guy then laughed, which made Tyla laugh too.

"Sorry." I said to him.

"That's alright. Cute baby."

"Thank you. Say thank you Tyla."

"Ahh!" she shouted. At least she responded.

I then walked over to Taemin who had been holding her bag, with a wipe in his hand. After he wiped her hands, we continued walking through the aquarium, looking at this fish.

As we had been walking, Tyla kept looking at Taemin, making noises at him to get his attention. Taemin, understanding what she wanted, grabbed her, holding her in his arms.

"You want appa?" He asked her.

Soon we came across a larger tank that had turtles and other sea animals in it.

Taemin and I were pointing out different animals to Tyla, she would make a noise in response. When we tried to walk away from this particular tank, Tyla began to cry, so we stayed a little longer.

I swear, I will never forget today. We all enjoyed our time together and had so much fun. I found it the most amusing when we went to the basement where the sharks were kept and Tyla would bang on the glass. I was terrified of sharks but Tyla was happy. She couldn't get enough of them.

A Blessing From God/ TaeMinWhere stories live. Discover now