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"Merry Christmas Tyla!" Taemin said as he kissed Tyla's cheek multiple times. She, in returned, smiled and giggled. As usual, Taemin kissed my cheek.

"You guys ready to open your presents?" Taemin ask, pulling me to the living room. "Do you guys want breakfast first? I was thinking French toast, eggs, bacon, grits?" I asked, walking into the kitchen and pouring Tyla a bottle of milk. "No! I want you guys to see what I got for you first!" Smiling, I close Tyla's sippy cup and walked over to them.

"Fine. But on one condition." "What's that?" "You open my gift first." "Why can't you guys open your gifts first?" "Taem-" "fine." Smiling, I walk over to the tree we had put up and grab the bag filled with a few things I got for Taemin.

I watched as Taemin carefully open the bag and reached inside, grabbing the first gift. It had been a small box wrapped in purple gift paper.

"To appa? Did this come from my Tyla?" He said, kissing her cheek as she reached for the box. I watched as he opened it, balking the gift wrap up in his hand and sitting it on the table. "Wah! A rolex?!" Laughing, I sit across from him. "Yea. She has expensive taste. While we were in the store looking, that's the one that caught her eye and she kept trying to hit the glass where it was so I just got it." "These things are expensive! You shouldn't have."

"I don't mind. I think you would look nice with it on and you deserve it." Taemin smiled at me then continued looking through the bag.

He had been pleased with the few gifts we got him. He then got up, placing Tyla in my lap then grabbed a few boxes from under the tree. The first one he had was a smaller box. I watched as he stood over us, opening the smaller box and pulling out a small bracelet with a diamond stone on it. Then he kneeled down and grabbed a hold of Tyla's wrist, snapping the bracelet on.

"I figured she would look beautiful wearing her birth stone since she is my diamond." "It is beautiful on her." He then smiled down at me. He then reached towards the table for another smaller box. This one had been really small. He then handed it to me. I, hesitant at first but not knowing why, unraveled the wrapping. It had been a small jewelry box.

I then opened it, but was immediately confused because it had been empty.  But it looked like a ring box. "Tae-" I began, looking up at him but he had been on both knees in front of me with a ring in his hand.


"It's just a promise ring" he said reassuringly, marking me exhale the breath I didn't realize I was holding in

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"It's just a promise ring" he said reassuringly, marking me exhale the breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

"I know it's too soon for a wedding ring, but that doesn't mean what we have isn't real. When I say I love you, I mean it. I love you and I love my daughter and I wouldn't ask for my life any other way. This ring- this is a symbol of my love for you and my daughter and a promise that we will always be a family and that you will be my wife." Was I relived? I don't know, but my love for Taemin has grew so much that at times, I feel like I'm ready for marriage. But... often times I feel like it's too soon. "Taemin...we love you too. I love you."

He then leaned in, placing a sweet kiss on my lips.


Me and Taemin pulled away at the same time. Surprised that we just heard Tyla's first word. Appa.

A Blessing From God/ TaeMinWhere stories live. Discover now