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"Thank you." Taemin said after sitting my luggage done by the door.

"Huh? I should be saying thank you" I said as I sat the car-seat down by the sofa.

"Thank you for trusting me. For letting me take you and Tyla out of the country to meet my family. I know it was something hard to decide upon." Taemin said standing back up and walking over to me.

We stayed 7 days in South Korea and it was nice. I really enjoyed it as a visitor. However, I don't know if it's somewhere I would want to live.

"No, thank you. I really enjoyed visiting. Your family was really nice." I really didn't know what to say and I didn't want to make this awkward. "I'm uh, I'm going to order some food. Do you want to stay? For dinner."

"Sure." He said smiling.

Damn this is so awkward. Maybe I'm just making it seem that way.

Turning away, I grab my phone from the counter. As I had been looking for restaurants that delivered in my area, I realized that I hadn't even asked Taemin what he wanted to eat. When I turned back around, I didn't see Taemin. I instinctively looked at Tyla's car seat and saw that she had not been in it.

Connecting the dots, I walk to Tyla's room. There Taemin had been, holding Tyla as he swayed back and forth, humming the melody to a song. It sounded like a Micheal Jackson song. You Rock my world, I recognized it to be as I listened closer.

Aww. How cute?

I didn't want to be rude and interrupt, but I was also hungry.

So I gently knocked on the door to get his attention. He turned around with an embarrassed smile on his face. I thought it was so cute.

"I forgot to ask you what you wanted to eat. We could have pizza, chicken, there's also this really good pasta place too. Oh, and of course burgers." I asked, getting kind of carried away.

"Pizza. Pizza is fine." He replied.

"Have a preference for toppings?"

"Whatever you get is fine."

"I like plain cheese pizza."

"Yea that's fine."


I then walked away, dialing the number to the Papa John's nearby. After ordering the pizza, I sat down, grabbing the remote, and turning the tv on. There wasn't much playing on cable, so I turned on Netflix.

Just as I had gotten comfortable, Taemin had come in. I moved my legs so that he could sit next to me. Once he had done so, he grabbed my legs, placing them on his lap.


Don't make this weird Lia!!!

I watched as he focused his attention on the TV.


He then looked over at me.


"Why? Why did you want to... stay?"

"Are you asking me why I decided to be a father?"

I nodded my head. I truly wanted to know why. He could have just avoided us all together, yet he decided not to.

"Ok. Well, answer me this. How do you feel not having your father in your life, to no fault of your own?"

I've never really thought about it.

"Well... I'm not sure. My father doesn't know about me. So it's not like he could make a decision anyway. But I guess it would have been nice to have my father around."

"Right. Even though I didn't know at first, I eventually did and what kind of man would I be if I denied you and Tyla. It is the moral thing to do, but, I've always wanted a family too. No matter the circumstance, we are going to make this right. Although you come from a family of strong independent women, neither one of us want Tyla to grow up without a father figure, I'm sure."

He was right. despite how I was raised, fatherless, I didn't want my child to be fatherless. I wanted to learn from my mom's mistakes and provide my child with the best life they could ask for. However, I would have done so single or not.

"Right. Well, I'm happy you're here. Thank you."

"Why are you thanking me? We both have a responsibility as parents. But more than that, I really want us to be a family. Given certain circumstances with us and how we have gotten to this point, it can be a little difficult at first, but I don't want us to just co-parent. I want to someday be able to live with you and Tyla. I want us to form a loving relationship. Someday, I want to be able to put a ring on your finger."

Ok... That was deep.

"I don't regret what we did. At all. It happened for a reason, and I hope you feel the same." He finished.

"I don't regret anything either. I believe it was for the best and it really is. I like where I'm at now." I really liked what Taemin had to say. I know it can be weird because of our age gap, but honestly, I didn't care. I didn't care about his age when I slept with him so why should I care now?

The doorbell then rung. I quickly grabbed my handbag from the table, but Taemin had gotten up and answered the door.

I watched as he reached in his pocket, pulling out a 20$ bill and pay for the pizza.

When he returned, he sat the pizza at the isle of the kitchen. I got up and held out a 20$ bill for him to grab.

He looked at it and shook his head.

"Take it."

"No. I don't need it."

Silently sighing, but happy I got to keep my 20$, I walk over to the cabinet. Too short to reach the cabinet where my mom said the plates belonged, I grab my stepping stool. Only to have Taemin try to contain his laughs.

"You have a stepping stool? How cute. Here, Let me grab them."

Setting to the side, as my face warmed up, I let him grab the plates.

"Thank you."

I grabbed the ranch from the fridge and placed it on the aisle of the kitchen.

"What's that for?" He questioned.

"My pizza."

He then raised his eyebrows.

"I know. Weird combination that I found out I liked while pregnant." I said remembering the first time I dipped my pizza in ranch.

A Blessing From God/ TaeMinWhere stories live. Discover now