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"Are you nervous?"

"About what? The plane or your parents?"

"You've never been on a plane?"

"No. "

"Ok. Relax. Would you feel better holding my hand?"

"Yes please."

It had been months since we first talked about going to South Korea. Do you know how hard it is to get a baby a passport? If Taemin wasn't in the military, I don't think we would have gotten them any sooner.

The plane ride had been hours. We arrived the next morning. We figured it was best that we stay in a hotel. Just so that I'm more comfortable. I was a bit paranoid about meeting his parents. I've heard many things about older Asians. I just hope everything runs smoothly and that they don't think of my age too much. Lord only knows.

"First thing tomorrow, we can go have breakfast. Afterward, we can go see my parents."


"My parents. They are really nice people. Don't be scared. Regardless, they are gonna love and welcome you and Tyla. "




"Yah! Get the door." I could hear eomma yelling to my dad after I rung the bell. Seconds later, the door swung open and I was being pulled into the open arms of Appa.

"Appa! I miss you."

"Is that my son Taemin!?" Eomma shouted, rushing to the door.


"TAEMIN!!!" She yelled, jumping in my arms.

"You act like you haven't saw me in forever. I was just here last summer."

"We miss you!. How have you been?" She asked, pulling me inside."

"Well... I have a baby."

"A BABY!?"

They both said in unison.

"A baby! Wah. Where? Who is the girl? Does she come from a good family?"

"Yes. But eomma, Lia... she isn't Korean."

She then turned her head, a questioning look on her face.


Appa then turned towards her, looking at her in disbelief.

"Our son has had a taste for different flavors, but rarely that. I bet you she is black."

"Yes Appa."

"Woah. Where is she? Where is the baby?" Eomma questioned, adjusting her glasses.

"Let me get her. Please, make her feel welcomed. Don't be weird."

I then rushed back to the car to get Lia and Tyla.


I was shaking. Shaking so much that Taemin had to stop me.

"Lia... calm down. Why are you shaking?"

"Taemin, you aren't in my place. You don't know how I'm feeling right now. There is so much going through my mind. They probably won't even like me, much less my baby."

"Lia. Calm down. My parents are good people. They taught me to love everyone and treat everyone with respect. Do you think they wouldn't practice what they teach? Don't let misjudgment cloud your thinking. The only thing they may not like is our age gap. Now please, calm down." He said, kissing my forehead afterward and then grabbing the car seat from me as he grabbed my hand with his free one.

A Blessing From God/ TaeMinWhere stories live. Discover now