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"You want some hot cocoa baby?" I said to Tyla as she had been eyeballing my mug.

"Yes, I do!" Taemin yelled from the restroom. Laughing, I shake my head. "I was talking to Tyla. Yours is on the counter." I could then hear Taemin walk towards the living room, where I had been with Tyla. "But I want some of yours," Taemin said quietly in my ear before kissing my cheek.

Looking at him, I let off a little smile before turning back to Tyla to carefully give her some of the hot cocoa which had cooled down a bit. After grabbing his mug, Taemin had sat down next to us. As I had been drinking my hot cocoa, Tyla had been trying to slide of my legs. Carefully placing her play mat, I sit back on the sofa, cuddled in Taemin's arms. "We should go and get dinner before we watch the ball drop tonight? Where do you want to eat or what are you in the mood for?" Sitting the mug on my lap, I began to think. Honestly, I don't want anything fancy. "Where ever we can get a burger and fries or a cheesesteak." "That's everywhere."


Quickly snapping my head in the direction this little voice had been coming from, I saw Tyla, trying to stand and walk over to me.


There Tyla had been, trying to walk over to me and I was fighting the urge to stand up and just grab her with all of my happiness. My baby is taking her first steps and she finally said my name. She fell down once and I wanted to get up and get her so bad, scared that she had hurt herself or would cry, but Taemin grabbed my hand.

"Let her get back up on her own."

Tyla didn't cry. She got right back up, joyful as ever, and took her time walking over to us. By which we were less than 6 feet away from her.

Once she reached me, she had reached for my mug. Nonetheless, I was still filled with happiness dispite through the fact she just wanted some more hot cocoa.

Picking Tyla up, I begin to cover her cute chubby face in kisses, to which she responds with giggles. "Tyla! You said Mama's name! And you took your FIRST steps!"

"We should celebrate. Our baby is growing up!" Taemin said, placing a kiss on Tyla's cheek.

Looking over at Taemin, I quickly wipe my face. "Taemin. She..." a sniffle interrupted me "she finally said my name and she walked over to me." "Baby stop crying. It's ok" Taemin said chuckling as he wiped a tear from my face. I know I'm being dramatic but I've waited so long for this.


"Look Tyla! look at all the pretty lights" Taemin said as we walked over to where the crowd of people had been, waiting on the ball to drop. It was currently 11:55 pm and normally Tyla is sleeping around this time, so she of course had been dosing off. But when she saw the lights on the ball, she immediately became excited. 

"Light" She repeated weakly after Taemin. "Yes! Lights Tyla.". Tyla was picking up her pace with developing cognitive skills and it made me happier and happier every moment that went by. 

"Alright, lets see if we could get a little closer." Taemin said, as he grabbed my hand. This gesture was so small, yet it still gave me butterflies. I followed closely by as Taemin held my hand and carried Tyla close to him with his other arm. Once we were at a comfortable spot. Taemin stopped. 

"Here. Hold Tyla for me please." He said as he glanced up at the ball. Im assuming at the time which was currently at 30 secinds. "15 seconds!!" A woman near us shouted as Taemin had positioned Tyla and I in front of him. "10! 9! 8! 7!..." Everyone counted down. Tyla and I watched, waiting for the ball to drop. "6! 5! 4! 3!.." As we hit 2, I felt something cold on my neck. "1!!!!!" looking down, I noticed a necklace on my neck. When I turned around to face Taemin, We had worn a sweet smile before leaning down and placing a sweet kiss on my forehead. I don't know if I was in shock, but I couldn't say anything. Taemin, smile growing, gently places a hand on my head, bring it close to his chest so that we were all facing the ball. I missed it drop, but I know for a fact Tyla had saw it. 


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