Had me at Hello (Bill Skarsgård Fluff)

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"Come on, Tasha. It's time you met someone new! How long are you gonna dwell on Taylor?" Ant sipped his vodka soda as he eyed me.

Taylor is my ex-girlfriend and we dated for two years. We broke up a month ago and my best friend has been trying to hook me up with anyone lately. I love him, I do, but he needs to let me have time to heal and gain my confidence back.

"I'm not really ready to get back out there yet."

"Ok, no to dating, but there's other things you can do, like have fun? When's the last time you had sex? And don't mean scissors."

I couldn't help the ugly laugh that came out of me. Ant is anything but subtle, but that's why I love him.

"Years." I say as I gulp my strawberry margarita.

"Too long. So, let's find someone for you to hang out with."

I sigh and nod. I'm not opposed to getting some dick, but the thing is, I've never been a hit it and quit it kind of girl. I know I'll catch feelings for anyone I have sex with, so I've only had sex with someone I'm dating.

"Ooh, how about him? He's cute." Ant points to a cute Hispanic man down a few chairs from us.

"No, he's been giving me pervy looks all night." I say and he nods.

"Oop, don't want that. Ok, him! He looks tall and muscly." Ant points to a very handsome black guy and I scrunch my nose.

"Nah, you know what you've always told me about muscly men..." I gulp more of my drink.

"Small dicks... yeah. Ok, how about..."

"Ant, can we just stop trying to find me a booty call? I just want to chill with you ok?" I ask.

Ant smiles "Of course! I'm sorry, I just hate seeing you all sad. I think you just need a distraction is all."

"That's what my best friend is for!" I laugh and he chuckles.

"True. Ok, listen to this..."

Me and Ant spent most of the night gossiping until we heard a song we loved, then we'd head to the dance floor and let loose. As the night went on, I started to relax and have fun. I forgot what that felt like for a minute, I was so hung up on a love lost, that I forgot how to love myself. Well, never again! I'm never letting myself get so wrapped up in a person that I lose myself, again.

The Morning After

I woke up feeling a bit lightheaded and I swayed as I sat up. Ant stayed with me last night and hogged all the god damn covers! I sigh as I carefully get up and do my hygiene.

Teeth brushed, showered, and dressed in clean clothes, I head to the kitchen and make breakfast for me and Ant.

While the waffles are cooking I get the turkey bacon out of the oven and place them on the counter. I pull a honeydew melon and cantaloupe out of the fridge and slice them up as well. I make my way back and forth between cutting fruit and making waffles until finally, it's all done.

I'm about to go wake up Ant, when my doorbell rings. I go to answer it.

"Coming!" I yell as I run to the door and open it to reveal my handsome neighbor from across the hall.

"Oh, Bill! Good morning." I smile and he smiles back.

"Good morning, Tasha. I came over to give you this. The mailman delivered your package to my box again."

He hands me a box and I giggle.

"I don't know why they continue to do this. Thanks Bill, you're amazing for this." I smile and his beautiful green eyes seem to sparkle at my thanks.

"It's no problem at all. It's really good to see you smile, when it's genuine it touches your eyes and spreads over your entire face."

I smile and look away. "Yeah, I haven't had much to smile about lately. I guess I can say thank you for that too. You brighten my day whenever I see you." I gush and then mentally kick myself for being too forward.

Bill chuckles and shyly rubs the back of his neck, his cheeks getting red.

"Well, it's an honor to make you smile." He looks at me from under his lashes and I feel butterflies swarm my tummy.

I bite my lip and look down.

"Well, I don't want to keep you. I'll hopefully see you around." He says as he straightens his body.

I nod. "I'm sure you will."

He nods and starts to walk to his door when I go out on a limb.

"Um, Bill?"

He turns and smiles at me.

"I don't mean to be weird... I cooked breakfast and uh... would you like to join me? My friend Anthony is here too, so it wouldn't be awkward with just us... not that you're awkward or... Sorry." I look down and roll my eyes.

Bill chuckles. "You're fine. I would love to join, but I'm about to go out to lunch with some friends."

I nod. "Yeah, of course. No problem."

"But, if it's alright with you, I'm free next weekend and would like to take you out to lunch." He offers and I smile.

"That sounds nice. Just text me the day and we'll go from there."

He smiles and nods. "Cool, I'll text you later. It really is good to see you smile."

I smirk and he turns and walks back to his apartment. I close the door, the whole time grinning like an idiot. When I turn around, Ant is sitting on the couch smiling at me.

"You really didn't need my help." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Come eat, loser." I walk into the kitchen and he quickly follows.

"Ok, but you have to tell me about, Mr. Sexy!" Ant wiggles his eyebrows and I giggle.



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