My Sweet Widow pt.2 (Geralt of Rivia fluff/smut)

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Geralt didn't like it, but he had to leave. The people that were coming after you were closing in and he wasn't going to give them a chance to hurt you or your baby.

4 months had passed since Geralt was by your side, 4 months has passed since you were last in his arms, and for 4 months, Geralt has left bodies scattered of the people who hunt you. As long as air is in his lungs and his heart beats in his chest, he will protect you and your baby from harm.

1 year later

You run through the halls of the Witcher home, your daughter in your arms and Ciri, right on your heels.

"We're almost there, keep going." Ciri pants as you hear swords clashing in the distance and shouts of men dying.

The Witchers that you've grown to care for and depend on were in trouble and it's all your fault. Ciri pulls you into a hidden room and covers your mouth as hurried footsteps run past.

"This is all my fault, I should've died in those woods. I should've let them kill me." I whisper.

"No, everything that should've happened, happened. You're too important to die and your daughter needs you." Ciri says as she places her hand on the hilt of her sword.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." I whisper.

Ciri affectionately places her hand on my shoulder, her eyes go to the bundle in my arms and she smiles.

"You have so much to live for and if the prophecy is true, your baby will save us all. She'll need her mother for proper guidance, plus, Geralt would kill me if you died." Ciri smirks and I laugh.

All of a sudden, we hear a loud thunderous battle cry and the heavy clash of swords.

"WHERE IS SHE?!!!" Geralt's voice yells.

"Geralt." Ciri and I say in unison.

"Let me go first. If it's clear and you're not in danger, I'll come get you." Ciri says and I nod.

Ciri leaves the room and I hear her run. I look down at the bundle in my arms and run a finger over her soft cheeks. Her eyes are currently closed as her soft breaths rise and fall. Her eyes are a beautiful forest green, like her father's, black curly locks, and her skin is a light tan.

She's a beauty, my sweet Amara.

I gasp as I hear footsteps outside the door, I quietly back further into the room, looking around for a hiding spot. I jump as a soft knock sounds on the door and I clutch my baby close.

"It's Ciri, I'm coming in." She calls and a breath of relief falls from my mouth.

Ciri walks in and I'm about to ask about Geralt, when he appears behind her. Tall, muscular, and terrifyingly beautiful.

He looks at me and his body visibly relaxes

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He looks at me and his body visibly relaxes.

"Sarah..." he whispers and strides over to me, his hand gently cups my face and I sigh.

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