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It was the day before the election and Y/N was on her way to L'manberg to see Tommy and Tubbo. She was wearing leggings and a yellow hoodie, her sword at her side and bandages wrapped around her hands and wrists for weapon friction.

She was just entering the gates when Quackity ran up to her and grabbed her hand, "Y/N!" he squealed happily.

He pulled her over to the van and threw his shoulder against the button, opening the door with a bang and shoving Y/N inside following quickly after.

"You alright big Q?" She laughed as she spun around in his hold.

She looked around the room and sat at the table was Tommy and Wilbur They were eating some food and just talking and laughing with each other.

"Hey N/N." Tommy waved at her.

She walked to him and ruffled his blonde hair before taking a seat next to him and stealing a small part of his bread that he glared at her for.

"You lot ready for tomorrow?" She asked with a full mouth.

"Yes. We are all ready to announce who won." Wilbur spoke flatly with a small smile.

"So you know who won?" The h/c asked her older brother.

"No, Niki counted the votes for us." He answered.

Once he said that, Y/N stood up scraping her stool onto the floor and turned to run out the van, pressing her hand harshly against Tommy's face, smushing it into a mess, she ran out the van and looked around L'manberg. Her eyes landed on the small building in the corner of the nation with Niki neatly writing in a sign outside. She bolted to the house and ran inside, slamming open the door and scaring Niki so she jumped back and almost fell off her chair.

"Oh my god! Y/N!" She stabilised herself and looked at the former L'manbergian.

"Niki!" Y/N smiled kindly at her and walked in next to her, "Your hair looks so nice today!" She spoke in a way that kids do when they want something but don't want to ask it so they seem all kind but really just want something.

"What do you want?" Niki giggled.

"You know how we're best friends?" She smiled wildly at her squinting her eyes to look nice.

"Go on?"

"Who won the election?" She cupped her hands in Niki's and sat opposite her in the table.

Niki burst out laughing then took a sharp breath in and looked at Y/N, "I~ can't tell you."

"Aww c'mon Niki!" She wined.

"I'm sorry I can't." She giggled.

"It's so boring I just," y/n started to do the thing that kids do when they walk away in a huff and grumble to look all mad when their not.

Niki laughed again as y/n crossed her arms and put a very pouty face in in anger, "I'm sorry n/n Wilbur told me not to tell."

"So it's his fault?" She perked her head up.


Y/n jumped up from her chair and ran back to Niki, hugging her and giving her a quick kiss against the forehead making her laugh again as y/n swiftly sprinted out her house yelling, "thank you Niki! I love you!" Leaving her laughing on her table watching her run wildly through L'manberg.

Y/n slammed her fist against the button and ran into the van, turning to the table with Wilbur, Tommy and Quackity sat around it. She ran over and grabbed Wilbur's coat and started to drag him off the chair and wrestle with him to the ground all while he yelled at her in fear.

"You told Niki not to tell anyone!" She playfully hit her fist against his back.

"Well yeah! It's an elec- OW!" She grabbed his hair and tugged it down making him start to fight back and kick at her legs.

It ended in a 10 minute sibling war where both of them were kicking and fighting against the other while yelling dumb insults like, "You smell like feet!" and, "well at least I can eat cheese!"

After a while Tommy got involved and yelled, "I am the biggest man here!" In which y/n replied, "I'm not a man and even I have a bigger dick than you!" Which caused a long string of swears to spew from the teenagers mouth.

This didn't stop until Jack Manifold walked in and practically yanked y/n off Will, "And I thought Tommy was bad." He laughed.

"Oh shut it bald man." Y/n teased.

Jack slapped a hand over his mouth and started to act all dramatic while Tommy began to make fun of him being bald.

"Ok well I'm going home. I don't think I can deal with another second of Tommy." Y/n left the van after waving goodbye and left L'manberg walking home to get ready for the next day of elections.


Last fun chapter before the election. Enjoy it while it lasts. Also thank you so much for the support of my book I hope you are enjoying it! I've been thinking about adding a word count at the end of it, should I? I don't know but have fun readin!

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