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Y/n and Dream walked home, reaching the house that only had a few lights on and one of them being the training room. They walked inside and immediately heard yelling and clanging of metal on metal.

Y/n separated from Dream and walked to the training room and opening the door to see Sapnap swinging his axe at George's head. Y/n giggled to herself quietly before walking in and sitting on the half destroyed sofa and watched the rest of the fight. George kicking at Sapnap's legs as he swung forwards with his axe and shoved him to the floor. By the end of the fight Sapnap had won by slicing a deep wound into George's thigh and sending him to the floor.

"WOOOO!" Y/n cheered from the end of the room.

Sapnap looked over with a laugh as George hobbled over to a shelf that had potions stacked along it, "did you find them?" He asked.

"Yeah! They are in really bad shape though." She sighed. Sapnap gave her a light hug as George walked over after having a healing potion.

"They'll be fine." He hugged her tightly, not letting her go for a moment as his head berried into her hair and he smiled to himself.

Y/n tried to escape his hold but George held her into the hug when Dream walked in, he took one look at George and stormed over shoving his shoulder and taking his place. Y/n happily snuggled into his chest.

After a moment, George spoke up with a happy tone, "Y/n, Niki said she wanted to talk to you and I need to talk to her too so do you want to go now?"

Y/n looked up confused, "Yeah sure." She uncurled herself from Dream and gave him a quick kiss goodbye then hit Sapnap over the back of her head as she left with George.

They made it to L'manberg and Y/n's eyes widened angrily, her eye brows furrowed and her lips thinned as she stormed faster inside. All the walls were gone, the black and yellow stone was in heaps on the ground and pick axes were flung around the land. A new white building in the centre of the nation with large open windows along each wall.

Y/n stormed into the nation angrily and marched over to Niki's, opening the door to hear a small ring from above her head. A cozy pink room in the entrance, two tables with white lace cloths hanging over the pink metal and small glass jars with fluffy sugar inside. A counter opposite to the door, glass with cakes and cookies with little pastries inside, all delicately decorated with icing. Along the walls were clean windows sparkling slightly and hanging plants sprinkled along the wood.

As the bell dinged above the h/c head, Niki came out of a small room behind the counter with a plate of chocolate chip cookies freshly pulled from the oven, her hair tied into a loose bun. 

Her sweet smile filled the room as she giggled silently to herself, "Welcome to my bakery Y/n!" She giggled again.

"Hi Niki! This looks amazing!" Y/n took a moment to take in every detail that laced the room.

"Thank you! Here have a cookie!" She handed the girl one of the cookies that sat on the counter in front of her. 

"Thank you! George said you wanted me?" She tilted her head as she stuffed the treat into her mouth.

"Oh yes! I just wanted to show you my new little bakery!" She gestured around the room with a proud smile plastered along her features.

Y/n giggled, "it's amazing! I have to go cause I think George should be ready by now."

"Ok. Stop by soon yeah?"

"Of corse Niki!"

They gave each other a small wave and smile as Y/n left the bakery, a little ring buzzing over her head as she walked out and into the grassy L'manberg land.

She looked around and saw George talking to Schlatt, she rubbed her arm and slowly made her way over.

"Hello Y/n." Schlatt smiled at her evilly turning to look at her in the eye.

Y/n looked at George pleading in her eyes as he turned back to Schlatt, "Schlatt?" he smiled at her.

He turned back to Y/n as Schlatt started to lead them both into the large white building the the centre of the nation.

The building had large white stained windows around the walls and plain white concrete as a sealing with a sky light rimmed with black. It was very plain in the entrance, a small mat in the doorway and small plant in a half chipped pot in one corner. Their were white doors along each wall in the hallway and at the end of the long tunnel was a large living room. A grey rug in the centre and black sofas opposite each other, a small brown coffee table with bottle on top.

Y/n POV:

I looked around cautiously at the room, one door along the back wall that was different to the others. Schlatt sat down and gestured for us to sit as well so I sat on the other sofa with George, as far away from his as possible.

Everything in the room was clean, nothing like what Schlatt used to have.

"So Schlatt what will you do to achieve this... thing?" George started. I looked at him and thinned my lips confused.

"You don't need to know this. Just leave us to do it and she will arrive home, eventually." He looked at me and smiled, his fangs showing below his horns.

George nodded his head and stood up, "ok." I stood up to follow him when a heavy hand slapped across my shoulder and forced me to sit down.

"George?!" I yelled to the door as it shut and Schlatt laughed.

"He left you. I HAVE YOU BACK! Finally I can have you again!" He grabbed my hair and tugged. I screamed. Standing up with a squeak and being dragged to the door in the corner.

Schlatt roughly grabbed the handle of the door and slammed it open, he forced into the dark hall with stone stairs leading to a dark basement.

My eyes widened as they adjusted to the light. Three pitch dark rooms with no windows or anything, thick iron doors squeaking on heavy hinges and freezing stone floors was the only place to sleep.

Schlatt slammed his fist on a stone button connected to the wall and forced open the heavy door, he shoved me down to be ground and my head hit the floor. A felt my body jerk. 

Schlatt moved to another room and forced open the door with a massive bang and I heard him rustling through something.

After a moment he came back in with thick rope rolled over his hand, "NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed.

I tried to run away but the pain from hitting my head flew around my body a sharp pain hit my legs. Schlatt forced me to the floor again and grabbed my arms with a heavy grip and forced them together behind my back. I felt the rope curl around my wrists and a warm burn circle my arms. He pulled them tightly together and then shoved my down again.

"AH!" I screamed louder but he pulled up his arm and punched me hard in the face. I could feel a deep mark forming over my right cheek.

Suddenly from the corner of the room, Schlatt grabbed something but my vision was to blurred to see it. Schlatt loomed above my broken figure and raised his arms.

Suddenly a cold blade smashed into my leg, he moved the sword around the wound before pulling it out. I screamed again in pain as he just laughed. Tears started to flood down my face as the horned man lifted me up by my chin and looked at my face.

He scratched my cheek with the edge of the blade before dropping me down again, "You won't leave this time."

He left.

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