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We jumped over a gap of water and landed on the grass surrounding the drug van itself. Some people climbed the mud tower to the top of the van and watched through the broken roof, others clambered in the hole in the wall and stood with arms crossed. Dream, Technoblade and I made our way through the door, hitting the stone button that shot open the thick metal door that creaked on it's hinges. 

The van was even more destroyed on the inside. Glass and dirt covered the floor, the table that once held maps and potions had been thrown to one side and lent against the wall, tipped on it's side and in the middle of it all was Schlatt. 

He crumpled on the ground, a thick glass bottle swishing around in one hand and others littering the floor around him. His suit was ripped and bloodied and one of his horns had broken in half. I drew closer to the man who hunched over himself. He took another swig of his drink. The black liquid leaving a sticky residue on his lips. 


Schlatt's voice was horse and broken. The rough, loud voice now replaced with a low, cracking one. 

"What are you doing?" Wilbur replied. He stood in front of the drunken man with his arms crossed and eyes narrow.

Schlatt spun around on the spot and looked at everyone before settling back on Will again, "The hell? Is this a surprise birthday party?" he slurred on each word. 

"What are you doing in my drug van? It better not be drugs." 

Techno laughed at Will's comment before silencing himself again.

I watched as Schlatt looked around again, his dark eyes finally seeing the group of people looking down from the roof. His face changed from drunk to anger and he smashed his bottle harshly against a chest. Glass spewed everywhere, forcing me to cover my face with my arms and step back. 

"Fundy what are you doing here!" He pointed the sharp object up at the fox. 

Fundy jumped down from the ceiling and stood in front of Schlatt who raised the bottle up just as Fundy raised his arms. It came crashing down onto the fox and filled his once bright fluff with dark, sharp sprinkles of glass. 

"You had a dream and I followed it! But you brought it downhill! You ruined it!" His voice echoed around the van. 

Wilbur jumped forwards gripping his sword in his hands, "Schlatt are you ready for this to end? Are you ready to die?" 

The drunk stepped back and backed into the wall behind him. Will turned back to Tommy who held up a small crossbow, his hands shaking as he aimed it at the man. 

"Tommy, put it between his eyes." The blonde glanced at his brother, "Do it Tommy." 

He turned back to Schlatt and raised the weapon.

"If I die. This country goes down with me." his teeth tightened and his eyes thinned as the bottle in his hand slipped to the floor  with a crash that somehow seemed louder than the thumping in my chest. 

"No it doesn't." 

The drunken man slumped back down on the ground, his back pressed against a small chest as he reached for another bottle and gulped down more of the dark liquid inside. 

Tommy shifted and aimed the crossbow again, pulling back the string so it clicked into place. 

I stepped closer, my hand tightening around the hilt of my sword. I watched the man carefully when his head hung, his eyes tightened and he started to cough loudly. Schlatt brought his hand to his face and he continued to cough.

"Does anybody smell toast?" he looked around everyone else again then looked down to his right arm which held his bottle. Suddenly the bottle dropped and smashed against the ground, liquid spilling over the wooden floor. Schlatt poked his arm, "My arm is numb..." 

His breathing became heavy and his eyes drooped even further, "I don't feel good..." 

I stepped closer, my arm raising on it's own. I reached out towards him but got stopped by Wilbur, his elbow sticking out to block me. Schlatt reached for yet another bottle, his drunken body tripping over itself even with the simplest actions. His breathing slowed and his coughing stopped. 

Schlatt collapsed on the ground. 

The room fell silent. 

I stepped closer to him and crouched down, "Did he just... die?" I whispered. 

My mind was taken away from Schlatt and to Tubbo who yelled, "DID HE JUST HAVE A HEART ATTACK?!" 

The room erupted in a mixture of yelling, screaming and cheering. Techno started to jump about yelling something about killing a man with heart problems. 

My eyes travelled to Dream. His hand still clasped around his sword as he watched the scene unfurl. I stood up and walked towards  him, reaching out my hand and grabbing his before shuffling to his side. Dream slotted his sword into it's hilt and slowly snaked his arm around my waist. I smiled and looked down to the ground. 

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