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Suddenly, I was drawn from the second of calmness by Tommy and Will who ran out the van screaming and cheering with large smiles plastered over their faces. Technoblade and Quackity followed as quickly, everyone got rushed out the van and towards the election stage.

I let go of Dream and made my way to Wilbur and Tommy who stood facing each other in a serious conversation.

"Tommy I know you never thought you'd hear me say this Tommy. But Tommyinnit. Take your place on the podium and give us a speech."

My eyes widened and so did my smile. Tommy looked dramatically up at the podium "Holy shit."

Everyone swiftly walked to the chairs in the audience and Tommy ran up to the stage, his brain a frazzled mess.

I stood beside Techno looking up at the blonde on the stage. A huge grin on his face. He cracked his knuckles and took a deep breath before he began to talk.

"Hello everyone. Well it looks like we've won."

There was an abundance of whoop's and yeah's from around me.

"And I never thought I'd say this but even after the hardships, the tyranny we've been through... Wilbur, Tubbo... After everything, it WAS meant to be!"

People started to laugh and chuckle when Eret yelled, "THAT'S MY LINE!" he clapped herself.

"Wilbur, thank you... thank you everyone for making me the president and I know you said I never would be." he took a deep breath and looked down to his brother, "Wilbur... I can't be the president."

The area filled with questions but Tommy spoke above them all.

"I've still got unfinished business." I followed his gaze that was directed to Dream who laughed at the back of the group, "Because you've still got those discs and I- I can't do this... until we're done. And It's not fair for me to take my place on L'manberg."

I smiled and Niki started to cheer, bouncing up and down where she stood, "Yes! Yes Tommy!" We both shared a smile as Niki waved her hands around happily.

"And Wilbur, after all you've been through... I know you had your points where we thought you were going to blow up L'manburg and you go on about you Chekov's fucking gun - I know that... that was all just talk now. And finally you did this and there wasn't a single explosion! So Wilbur take your place on the podium."

I watched as Tommy walked down from the large stage, a smile still ever-present on his face. Will sighed and walked up, smiling at Tommy on the way down.

"I have something to say..." Will took his place on the stage and pointed to the Manburg flag, making a decree that that was the first thing to be changed but then he stopped and looked down again, "I also cannot be your president... and Techno you have taught me a lot but you have taught me that government is not the way to go and I agree with you so I have to hand off the presidency. And I am going to hand off the presidency to... Tubbo."

Will walked down and Tubbo walked up to the loud cheering from Niki and Karl who yelled in celebration for the young boy. I joined in as he reached the stage, his nerves making him shake dramatically.

Tubbo took a deep breath and started his long speech, talking about unity and family before he started to go on about metaphors and started to spew things that were quite confusing but he got a big cheer at the end so I think it went well.

I smiled and watched as the young boy made his way down the stairs and back to the crowd of happy L'manburgians. I ran towards him and embraced him in a large congratulatory hug.

I pulled back and he ran off towards Tommy who also pulled him into a large hug but the celebration was cut short. Someone grabbed my arm and dragged me away with them. I looked up to see Dream, his mask was dusted with a light sprinkling of mud and his armour was shiny with water.

"You need to get somewhere safe." He pushed me forwards and towards the prime path.

I pushed back and stumbled past him and back towards L'manburg, "Woah What? What do you mean somewhere safe I-"

Then their was a bang .

Where will loyalty lie? DreamxReader.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن