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"How did you even get out the house?" They were most the way down the path and Y/N was still stuck into Dream's side.

"Tommy shoved me out the window and down the wall." Dream jerked his head down at her.

"You ok though." he rubbed her arm and she nodded into her chest, wrapping her arms around him.

"Ugh Tommy's going to kill me tomorrow." she pulled her arm to the sword sheathed at her side and started to fiddle with the blade between her fingers, barely missing her fingers with the sharp edge.

"Hey careful with that." Dream gently wrapped his hand around hers to stop the blade, he slowly moved her hand to wrap around the leather handle and she squeezed his finger. She looked back at him and wrapped her other arm around his back, standing on her toes and pulling him in closer. Their lips touched. It started soft and turned to passionate until George made a gag noise and they pulled away resting their heads against each other.

"I hate you Gogy." Y/N laughed as she rested her feet back on the ground and looked back at the boy in the thickly trimmed white goggles.

"Love you too." He smiled.

They walked back along the path, reaching the house and waking inside then to the trainer room lined with blue mats.

"So war tomorrow?" Dream nodded at Y/N's question making her tense. He took notice and gently brushed her arm with his to relax her.

"I'll stick with you. Stay away from your brothers and stick to the others." He smiled at her and she smiled back, looking forwards again as Sapnap threw her a heavy stone axe.

She caught it with one hand and swung it over her shoulder, i clipping the sword at her side and handing it to Dream while walking into the main fighting area. She steadied her self and pointed the axe in front of her, locking eyes with Sapnap who followed her actions carefully.

He jumped forwards making Y/N have to duck away, she slid away on the floor. He then ran back at her giving her the chance to strike him in the ribs with the blunt axe. He fell back and quickly flipped back into a steady pose, Y/N sprinted at him with the axe aimed out front of her, she dodged a swing and then banged his leg against the stone. This made Sapnap fall to the floor and Y/N jumped up to finish the fight and win.

The guys on the side lines started to clap and whistle for the girl as she helped Sapnap up with her other arm, handing him the axe and walking to the side lines for a drink that Dream already held out for her.

"Thank you." she pecked Dreams cheek and slumped next to him on the sofa, taking a large gulp from the drink and watching as Dream and George stood up and walked into position for their fight.

They both bent their knees and held one fist out front of them and the other was wrapped around the handle of a heavy stone axe they held tightly. Dream moved first. Running at George quickly, giving him no time to react and hitting his arm in the stomach with the axe. George flew back onto the floor having to quickly jump up and duck away from another attack.

He held his axe diagonally in front of his face and braised for Dream to push the thin stick-handle of his weapon against it. After a second, he did and they were face to face. Dream pushed hard against his opponent, shoving him back and then using his leg to swing at George to pull him to the floor and win the fight.

Y/N flung her arms in the air and cheered on the green man while Sapnap booed George who shook himself awake from the hard impact on the floor.

Y/N stood up and moved to stand in front of Dream, she picked up the heavy stone axe from the floor and shuffled her feet to be in a stable fighting stance. Dream smiled at her before doing the same and pointing the axe out front of him.

He shot forwards, barely missing her side as she spun away from his attack. She jumped back and stretched out her arm, hitting his arm to bend into his rips. He stepped back from her and stabled himself, looking up at her and blowing his hair out of his eyes. He stretched his arm out and shuffled his foot against the squishy matted floor, he sprinted forwards towards Y/N and aimed his axe to her side. She jumped to the right but Dream hit that way and slammed the weapon into the edge of her ribs, her eyes widened at the impact and she was sent flying into the corner of the room.

Y/N skidded along the floor, coming to an abrupt stop and lying still for a moment. The room fell silent. Dream sprinted over to her and rolled her onto her back, she flinched when he moved to pull up her shirt slightly.

He moved his hands away then carefully rolled up the edge of her shirt, a large red bruise was quickly growing a deep purple and a small trickle of blood fell from the wound. Y/N slowly lifted herself to a sitting position and Dream held her hand, "Healing potion now." He ordered.

He looked at the girl he had harmed and closed his eyes with regret when her hand squeezed his and he looked up. She smiled at him.

Sapnap ran in with an armful of glowing golden potions that clinched together in his hold. He dropped them to the floor next to Dream and he grabbed one, handing it to Y/N as she grabbed it and popped off the cork. Tipping the bottle up to her lips, she let the smooth liquid drip into her mouth and down her throat making it silky.

Her head lent back and she looked up at the ceiling that had a large sky light in the roof. Dream watched as the bruise quickly disappeared from her side and the wound close. He sighed happily and placed his hand under her legs and the other below her head, scooping her from the ground and into his arms, "I'm fine you know." She laughed.

"Yes but this is fun." He kissed her before turning to the sofa and walking over, placing her on the soft material as George and Sapnap moved to fight.

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