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I was at the back of the group, following closely behind Eret as we ran up the stairs and out of the small PogTopia door. The sun hit my cheeks and warmed my body under the thick netherite armour draped across my small figure. 

As we ran, Quackity spoke up above everyone, "Well I should be the first in line cause I'm naked!" 

I laughed at him as we reached a small pond, Techno ran to a little dirt hill to the side of it and dug it up with his fists, below the mud was a long tunnel that ran all the way down to a place I couldn't see as I peered inside. 

Every person jumped inside, letting their bodies fly blindly down into what looked like a small, black room. I was the last it, hesitating before following my brothers as my feet hit a small puddle of water at the base of tunnel. 

As I reached the bottom, my eyes widened, the black tunnel turned into a large room with three short corridors. As I looked up, I was met with chests and chests lined up along each wall and opposite me was 5 fully enchanted netherite sets of armour lined neatly against the wall. 

"Ready for revolution boys!" 

Techno's voice rang over the others which consisted of many confused and exited yells. 

"Take what you need." I watched as Tommy, Tubbo and Quackity dashed for the armour as the others scanned the chests lining the walls. 

I opened them all quickly, seeing stacks and stacks of potions, weapons, arrows, food. And all of it the best quality their was. I grabbed more arrows and another harming potion, slotting them into my belt and then standing back as everyone scrambled for items. 

"TOMMY!" Wilbur yelled above everyone, taking everyone's attention, "WE'VE GOT THE BLADE!" 

The pair started to celebrate as I laughed, glancing at Will who didn't wear any armour as a way to protest the fight. 

After about 5 more minuets of stealing Techno's things, we made our way back up to the surface and towards L'manberg, jumping onto a railway track that spread across the land. Everyone around me was yelling something that only they could hear, I felt myself joining in, my laughter ringing louder in my ears than anyone else on the platform. 

Quickly, we reached the end of the railway, the long thin track cut off at the edge of a large hill. Beside it was Eret's tower, a large thick building that stretched high up into the sky and stood on the tip of it, the Dream Team. 

I glanced up just as everything turned to shit. Quackity started screaming even louder than before as he sprinted back in the direction we came. Arrows came flying down from above and I looked up, catching Karl's eye as he stared down at me, avoiding every shot he made. 

We shared a quick nod when someone grabbed my sleeve and I flicked my head in Tommy's direction, he had his nails digging into my shirt where he dragged me from the aim of Karl and Schlatt. 

"Storm the tower!" Wilbur's voice rung above the rest. His orders sinking into everyone who followed him in his charge. 

I turned my attention back to the team on the tower who still held their bows high. I copied, pulling my bow from my back then quickly loading it. I aimed high above my head and towards where the many arrows flew, loud bangs and sparks scaring the team as Techno bombarded them with his rockets. 

I aimed at a spot on the wall, just behind Karl's head. I released the arrow and watched as it soured through the hair, my eyes squinting as the cold rush of wind scratched my cheek. The thin stick of wood harshly pierced the stone, sending a crack as sharp as my sword up the tower.

Everyone around me continued to scream orders, "Storm the tower!" was the only one repeated by Tubbo and the only one people seemed to follow. 

I ran inside the large dome like structure and saw Tommy leading the charge up the ladders. People climbing after him to the second floor. I was just about to run after my team when their was a splash of water outside and continued yelling from behind the wall. 

I turned on my heel, feeling it dig into the soft muddy floor. My hair flicked around my face and I sprinted outside, my sword in hand. As I turned the corner, Karl was facing me, his shoes damp with water and armour dusted with mud. We clashed weapons. Pushing against the other until the yells from above sawed down towards us in the form of arrows. 

Karl nodded at me and sprinted away, leaving me in the grass alone. I turned and followed my team, clambering up the ladder to the second floor where Tommy was yelling again. "WE HAVE THE HIGH GROUND!" 

I smiled and dashed towards the edge of the tower. Below was Karl and Schlatt who ran away from us, fast. I looked past them and into the trees when I caught a glimpse of green. I squinted to see Dream, Sapnap and Punz holding bows and aiming at us. 

I turned to my team just as Will ducked down and yanked an arrow from his leg before biting quickly into a small apple, it's skin as shiny as Tommy's hair in the sun. I took a few breaths and jumped back up again, his dark hair swishing out of place. 

Then the yelling only got louder, "We need to follow them." Technoblade ordered. His monotone voice staying calm yet exited through all the fighting. 

I followed behind him. Sprinting after the pig and jumping off the tall tower before landing in the small puddle of water at the base of it. 

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