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Then another.

And another. 

I spun around and was met with flashed of colour all aimed at one person. Tubbo. I sprinted towards the mess and ran through the smoke, Techno was yelling, his crossbow in his hands as he aimed fireworks at Tubbo who sprinted behind bushes. 

My eyes widened and I coughed in the smoke before sprinting towards the young boy. More yelling surrounded me as I reached the pig man who was now facing me. I grabbed his crossbow and spun it around me to try and get him off it but he only reached for his sword and stabbed it forwards, narrowly missing my body. 

I looked over his shoulder at Tubbo who stood watching me, "TUBBO RUN!" I screamed. 

I grabbed my sword and slashed at Techno, ripping his long red cape with the tip of it. He raised his weapon and struck it down, clanging metal on metal as our swords connected.            

Then he pushed me back, forcing me to stumble away and fall into someone's arms. Dream arms. His eyes brushed over my body looking for wounds. 

"I did not spend WEEKS getting you guys gear just so you can go and replace one tyrant with another!" Techno screamed, "Don't you see what's happening here! Don't you see history repeating itself. You think Schlatt was the cause of your problems NO it was government!"

As Technoblade yelled, Dream ran to his side and started to drag me over with him. I wriggled in his grip and started to yell, "NO DREAM! I WILL NOT FIGHT MY FRIENDS AGAIN!" but as my throat became soar, so did my body. Dream threw me away and towards Sapnap who grabbed my arms with one hand and held onto me, keeping me behind both Dream and Techno. 

"Sapnap... please..." I begged, my eyes becoming glossy with water. 

"I'm sorry." 

Then everything went to shit. Dream and Techno started to fight everyone else and Niki sprinted towards me with Eret. They drew their sword and stabbed and slashed at Sapnap who had no choice but to fight back. His hand left my arms and I ran forwards, helping Niki win against him and force him to run off. 

I smiled at them but my attention was quickly turned to Tommy who was screaming as usual, "WILBUR?!" 

I ran up to his panicked state and grabbed his hand, "Where is Will?" 

He was about to answer when he got distracted and looked up. I followed his gaze only to see something fly over the whole fight. A person? They had large black wings that allowed them to fly above the rest and a long green robe that fluttered in the wind. They had long blonde hair that was covered by a stripy green and white hat and on his chest was a red heart. 

My eyes widened and I dropped to the floor, "Phil?" my eyes filled with tears and my heart started to beat even faster in my chest. 

Then someone else grabbed my arms, Dream tightly grabbed my hand and started to drag me away from everything but I only fought against him. Quickly I freed myself from his grip and I dashed back to L'manberg and back to Tommy but he was running as well. 

Then it happened. 

The ground started to shake. 

The yells were getting drowned out. 

The fighting stopped. 

It all exploded. One huge boom. It started below the stage and spread out towards the rest of the nation. Suddenly the ground below my feet caved in and another bang went off. My ears started to ring and my head started to hurt but the explosions around me only got bigger until one happened right beside me and I was sent flying. 


Dream POV:

I tried to drag her away. I tried to take her to safety but she had no idea what was going too happen. She dashed back into L'manberg just as the ground started to shake. The building started to collapse. Y/n froze and looked around again but it was too late. The ground below her gave way and another explosion sounded right beside her. 

I watched as he body went flying. The burns on her body only growing as more and more bangs sounded. The dust around her kicked off from the ground and she was engulfed in dirt. 

To my right was Eret who watched the scene unfurl just as I had. Both of us now with tears flooding our eyes. The yelling stopped. The explosions stopped. The dust settled. 


My voice was the first to brake the silence followed by Eret's. The pair of us sprinted to where she had fallen and we sprinted through the dust to the crater that was once L'manburg. At the bottom of it was Y/n. Her body covered in burns and scrapes. Blood poring from her leg. Her eyes tightly closed. 

We jumped down into the hole and Eret reached her first, bringing her body into her lap as they cleared the mud from her face. 

Quickly, Niki and Tommy joined us in the hole. 

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