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"Y/N w-what?" Dream pulled his hand from hers as they reached the garden off the house.

"I can't say..." she turned to walk away but Dream placed a hand on her shoulder. She flinched away.


"I can't be near him. I'll tell you soon, I-I'm going to L'manberg." He watched as she walked past him, she didn't hug him or kiss him she just walked and he could tell something was not ok with Schlatt. She pulled out her sword and swung it between her fingers, she started walking then jogging and finally running down to the nation.


"WILL!" She yelled as she ran into the gate.

Wilbur and Tommy were mid conversation as she ran in, "N/N" her arms wrapped around his torso and she began to shake.

"Sch-Schlatt." She chocked on her words and both Wilbur and Tommy looked at her confused.

"The new guy?" Tommy tilted his head and furrowed his brows.

Y/N looked up at Wilbur pleading, she could see him thinking. "As in the guy who-" he gasped with the sudden realisation of who he is, his eyes widened and he stepped back.

"who is he?" Tommy asked.

"He can't go near you." Wilbur ordered.

"What did Schlatt do?" Tommy looked from Y/N to Wilbur.

"Leave L'manberg. He's coming here soon when I announce the presidency." He frantically looked around the gates and down to the van.

"The what?"

"We're going to elect a president or L'manberg to make it fair. Me and Tommy are Pog 2020, there are no others running at the moment." He skimmed past the explanation and watched the gates.

"You need to leave."

Y/N nodded and turned to run when she froze. Two people walked into L'manberg, one in black and blue beanie placed on his head, the other in a thick black suit and messy red tie. He stared at Y/N then walked in and grabbed her shoulder tightly with his nails tugging into her flesh, "You will do as I say. I didn't track you down for nothing." He released her and she sprinted away.

Wilbur POV:

"Yeah Tommy I think the presidential debate is a good idea. We can make it fair and have a festival." Tommy stared up at me bouncing on his feet.

"Can we be POG 2020?" I smiled amusing him and nodded. He began to bounce even more.

"And we can-"


My head spun around to the gates and I saw Y/N sprint to me. Her arms wrapped around my torso and she shook as I held her. "Sch-Schlatt."

I looked down at her then to Tommy wracking my brain to think who it was. "As in the new guy?" Tommy asked.

A gasp escaped my mouth and I looked at the gate again, "the one who..."

"The one who what?" She hadn't told Tommy he was to young.

"He can't come near you." I ordered her as I flickered my eyes from the gates to Y/N.

"What did Schlatt do?" Tommy asked again. I'll tell him later.

"Leave L'manberg. He's coming here when I announce the presidency."

"The what?" She furrowed her eye brows and tilted her head to the left.

"We're going to elect a president for L'manberg to make it fair. Me and Tommy are Pog 2020, there are no others running at the moment." I spoke fast as I planted my hands on her shoulders and pushed her closer to the exit of L'manberg.

She nodded and turned around. I let out a deep sigh when Tommy froze next to me, I looked up and saw him grab her shoulder and whisper to her. I glared at his smug grin shielded by those ram horns.

Y/N ran out the nation and Schlatt turned to me. "So this thing you want to talk to us about." Ash fell from the cigarette that hung to his lip.

"Yes, L'manberg wants a fair ruling this is a presidential campaign." He nodded and looked at Quackity.

"We'll run." My eyes widened and I looked at the blonde next to me.

"O-ok." They left.

Third person PoV:

Y/N ran into the house, slamming the door and sliding down it gripping her hair. Her body shook and she cried silently into her palm.

"You fighting lazily hold the axe up straight..." she heard Dream conducting someone in the other room.

"K!" That happy tone, bouncy and smily... only one person could sound like that.

Y/N stood up and wiped her eyes against her sleeve, rubbing her nose and walking to the training room.

Inside was Dream and Sapnap holding blunt wooden axes facing a small brunette. He had dark wavy hair and a happy smile plastered to his lips. He wore a purple hoodie with a yellow and green sleeve then red sleeve, a large green swirl in the centre. "Karl?!"

Y/N sprinted to him and jumped into a hug. He laughed into her ear, "Hi Y/N." He giggled again.

"I missed you."

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