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Shouts and screams formed from the other side of the obsidian then a click. The door slid back and Y/N could see Tommy and Tubbo huddled on the floor together, Fundy yelled for his dad who was standing close to Eret, he looked over a small stone button on the ground of a completely obsidian room, five chests with scratched in names were left open but one, it had Y/N messily drawn on the front.

Her heart dropped. he was going to betray me? The Dream Team ran in and started to attack the already wounded L'manberg.

Y/N was still stood in the doorway of the hidden room watching her family being killed by her friends. Dream took a swing at Tommy that aimed for his head, she sprinted in and grabbed his arm, holding him back from the attack. Both Tommy and Dream looked at her confused, "Don't kill him." She cried.

Dream nodded then turned to Tommy, he kicked his leg at his stomach sending him flying to the ground, Tubbo shrieked and Wilbur yelled. Dream took his sword and moved closer to Tommy, "Dream?" He whimpered as he held his head in pain.

Dream tightened his grip on the sword and stabbed it into his arm that limped at his side. He screamed. Y/N flinched back to the door and hid crouched on the stones as Dream pulled back and Tommy passed out. Sapnap and George both turned to Tubbo and Fundy, striking at their limbs causing both to lose consciousness. Wilbur was the only one left and he turned to his sister who wobbled on the frame of the door, "Y/N..." She stabled herself and stepped forward raising her sword.

"Wilbur I-" he raised his sword too and carefully examined her. They each moved closer.

"WILBUR DON'T! SHES BEING MANIPULATED!" Tommy had sat up quickly once he had woken up. He looked around the dark room then settled on his siblings about to fight.

Wilbur drew no attention to the boy as he took another step to Y/N. She gulped and grasped her sword tightly in her right hand. "I'm sorry..." she whispered. Her sword stuck out almost stabbing into Wills side, he jumped right then swung at her arm, she ducked away then grabbed his sleeve and spun him around to the floor, pointing the sharp end of her weapon at his chest and whispering a small cry.

He then grabbed her ankle and shoved her off, all off L'manberg was now on their feet and sprinted out the door followed closely by their leader who threw large rocks down to block the Dream Teams path.

Y/N sunk to the ground and Dream pulled her into a hug, "you were incredible." He smiled.

"Eret you?" She looked up at the tall man.

"Yes. For the Kingdom." He cheered.

They all walked out the small room and up the long tunnel, L'manberg was in another tunnel and hidden room below the nation that this time wasn't a trap. Eret ran off to his rainbow castle. And the Dream Team sat on the tall walls of L'manberg waiting for them to emerge from a hole below the ground.

"Why is fighting them so hard." Y/N flipped the sword in her hand, inches from cutting her fingers with the blade.

"It's fine. Your with us now." Dream pulled her into a side hug making both Sapnap and George giggle.

L'manberg appeared from inside a small house at the end of the nation, more weapons and armour collected on them and a few potions of harming attached to belts. Wilbur still had no armour on. They all shot a glare at the girl on the wall, she sunk down into Dream who squeezed her shoulder gently.

They all stood up and jumped off the end of the wall, Y/N stuck close to Dream as they walked to the L'manbergians.

"You've not given up yet." Dream laughed. Tommy retaliated with some sort of mess of swears.

Wilbur places a hand on his shoulder that stopped him then he turned to his sister, "Why are you doing this?"

She looked at the ground and rubbed her arm, "I- Will-" Dream interjected by pulling his bow up and aiming at them.

"DREAM!" Tubbo called out. They all stepped away and he laughed.

"You really think your going to convince Y/N to join you?! She's my girlfriend!" He smiled at her then glared at Wilbur and Tommy. "L'manberg you've lost. You've lost independents. You've lost respect. You've lost Y/N."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small stick of red TNT. He threw it to the ground and Sapnap stepped forwards with a lighter in hand. Dream moved back and whispered to Y/N "get out as fast as you can." She shot a look at him when Sapnap crouched down and lit the end off the stick.

It fizzled quickly then stopped and it went silent.


It went off and exploded a large area in the ground that flew dust and dirt in the air. Then more bangs and flashing lifted up the ground and toppled anyone standing on top. Dream, George and Sapnap all ran out the nation and the L'manbergians flew into the air. They were attacked by harmful explosions all around them, the ground crumbled away and Y/N fell into a large hole.

Dust and mud settled above her and making her cough and splutter. Wilbur, Tommy and Dream all screamed calls for her and fast footsteps were carried around the edge of the dust cloud that slowly fell to the floor.

Where will loyalty lie? DreamxReader.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum