Chapter 30: to be loved

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"I mean I'll do it, I don't mind. It's the least I could do." Ezra suggest.

"Okay, well we have that settled." Josie claps her hands.

Ezra began to get the grill ready and everyone else started getting into the pool, expect me.

People from our school started to show up, in large groups so the party started to grow.
At least they brought drinks and food to share, it was okay though Pearls lake house was more like a Lake mansion. Her pool could fit triple the people that are coming today.

The Hart Family, owned lots of business and building around the world. Though Pearl doesn't brag about the name, she knows she's rich and shes grateful. However, sometimes she feels like a prisoner, stuck behind the family name. She keeps her circle small, since most of the time people will try to get close to her because of her money.

Pearl doesn't care about the money, she just wants a happy family, and beside the point that her parents are always busy, she's satisfied.

I was walking around the house trying to make myself busy, and I was avoiding getting into the water.
Once I turn the corner to the bathroom, I scream my brains out to not only get startled by someone, that's no taller than 5'8.

"DJ?" I open my eyes, to see the one and only Noah.

"Bloody fucking hell, Noah you scared the crap out of me!" I gasp with my hand on my chest.

Noah laughs, "it's been awhile, how have you been?"

"I've been fine, what about you." I finally catch my breath resting my back against the wall.

" Yeah same, I've been wondering when I'm gonna see you again." Noah says.

"Really?" I doubted.

He nods with a wide grin.

"It's been hard, with college and having to go away. We just haven't ran into each other in awhile."I also put out.

Having classes all throughout the year, is literally the worst. We barely catch breaks, only time is for the holidays.

"Well this is a great time for me to ask if you wanted to hang out soon, and catch up." Noah asked.

" I mean sure." I shrug not thinking much of it.

"It's a date." Noah smiles, but my face drops.

"Noah" I trail off.


"We can't." I disappoint.

"Why not?" His smiling fading.

" I'm still into Ezra, and I just don't plan on breaking up with him."

"Oh. Well that's okay."

" I'm so sorry Noah, I really am."

"Don't be sorry, people can't control there feelings for someone." Noah's still smiles even when I hurting him.

"I don't want things to be awkward between us now." I confess.

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