Chapter 3 - No One Beats The Queen of Dance

Start from the beginning

    “This is the last song,” I declared, a bit winded myself, “Anyone wanna join me?”

    Everyone shook their heads, laying randomly across the couch and floor, exhausted from moving.

    “Ya know, you five look oddly familiar,” Harry randomly commented, his voice lazy.

    “I’m pretty sure we just have those kind of faces,” Kris replied, “I’ve heard that before.”

    Harry simply shrugged, leaning against Niall who was beside him. Aww, Narry.

    With a smirk, I scrolled through the songs, finding the right one. I pressed play,  saying, “In honor of our guests.”

    I glanced behind to see the boys grins widening as the first beats to What Makes You Beautiful blared from the TV’s speakers.

    “You’re insecure!” I sang along while dancing, soon to be joined by the girls.

    When the chorus began playing, Kris, Erin, Heather, Rikki, and I shouted the lyrics together, making the boys’ faces redden.

    When the song was done, I clicked the Wii off, slumping against the couch. I was certainly tired from dancing, and screaming along with the boys’ voices on that last song with the girls didn’t help my aching muscles.

    “Huh...” Harry muttered, his face taking on an expression of confusion.

    “What is it, Haz?” Zayn asked, as we all turned to face the curly haired guy.

    “Wait a second...” He mumbled to himself again, his eyes widening, ignoring Zayn.

    “THAT’S IT!” He shrieked, jerking straight up in his seat, scaring all of us.

    “What, what is it?!” Kris questioned him worriedly, taking hold of his arm.

    “I know where I’ve seen you girls! On YouTube!” Harry said, causing the girls and I to freeze.

    “Wait, you-”

    “Yeah!” He cut Rikki off, “You’re The Cover Girls, aren’t you!?”

    Holy shit.

    Oh my god.

    oH MY GOD.

    “YOU KNOW WHO WE ARE?!” Heather screeched, her face a mix of surprise and horror.

    “Yeah! I love your covers!” Harry replied, his smile wide.

    “HOLY FUCKING SHIT, HARRY STYLES KNOWS WHO WE ARE!” I shouted, jumping up and running around the room in circles, unable to contain my excitement. This was something I did frequently.

    “Woah, woah, wait, what’s ‘The Cover Girls’?!” Liam asked, as confused at the other boys were.

    Harry whipped out his phone, searching something, and putting it on loudspeaker, turning the screen to the boys, “Watch!”

    I heard my voice playing from his phone, singing the lyrics, “Hey! Boy, you never had much game! Thought I needed to upgrade! So I went and walked away-way-way!” The girls and I had done a rendition of Want U Back by Cher Lloyd a few weeks back, on request from a commenter.

    The girls and I huddled together, watching Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam’s facial expressions while they witnessed the video we had filmed at a nearby park.

    “Wow,” Zayn said, his eyebrows high, after the video was finished.

    “Okay, okay, so will someone please explain exactly what is going on?” Niall asked, his face scrunching in confusion.

    “We’re sort of in a band,” I said, my voice faltering here and there, unable to believe that my five favorite singers had just heard my best friends and I sing, “We make videos on YouTube.”

    “And you’re called, ‘The Cover Girls’?” Liam verified.

    “Yeah,” Erin replied, “Cause we, ya know, make covers of different songs.”

    “Did not see that one coming.” He mumbled.

    “Oh god.” I murmured, and everyone turned to face me. “You hated the song, didn’t you?” I said, putting my head in my hands.

    “Are you fucking kidding?! That was AMAZING!” Louis shouted.

    The boys nodded in agreement, Zayn commenting, “Seriously, your voices are fantastic!”

    It took a moment for that to sink in. When it did... I started running again.

    Everyone followed as I jumped up, running up the stairs, through the kitchen, around the rails that stopped people from falling to the first floor from the small living room, twice more around that route, then downstairs again, all the while screaming various ‘HOLY SHIT!’s and ‘OH MY GOD!’s.

    Once I had finally released most of my energy, I threw myself on the couch, face first.

    “APRIL, ARE YOU OKAY, ARE YOU DONE FREAKING OUT?!” Kris asked, when they had surrounded me. Only few things could make me so excited that I ran farther than it would take to walk from my room to my fridge. I’m not an athletic person. At all.

    “Yes, I think so.” I replied, my voice muffled by the fluffy tan furniture.

    “Good, cause I don’t wanna chase after you anymore!” Erin said, practically falling onto my legs, not willing to move another step.

    Considering I had a teenage girl sitting on my only way of moving, I just stayed there, twisting my upper body to be able to face everyone who had once again sat down.

    “So to sum everything up,” I said, “Today my favorite band in the history of the Universe showed up at my friend’s door, had tea with me and my best friends, one of them asking if I was a lesbian and another throwing bubbles at my face, then I beat all of them at Just Dance 4, and they just found out that I’m in a band with my four best friends, and said we were good singers.”

    “Yeah, pretty much.” Louis confirmed.

    “Good god, I must be high.” I said, shoving my face back into the couch, hearing laughter fill the around me.

    Just then, I heard Shine A Light by McFly start playing from somewhere around the room.

    “It that Scarlett?” I asked, shoving Erin off my lower limbs, and standing up to walk over to where I had set my phone on the ottoman.

    “Yeah, I think it is,” Kris said absentmindedly, twirling Rikki’s short hair around one of her fingers.

    “Who’s Scarlett?” Niall asked Heather.

    “April’s phone; She named it Scarlett.” She replied nonchalantly.

    “Hello?” I said Scarlett, pressing the accept button.

    I talked for a moment on the phone, my tone turning into one of disappointment. When the call was over, I turned around to face the boys and the girls with a slight frown.

    “That was Slimmer. I’m sorry boys, but he said the weather is too rough to send someone to fill up your car. They’re gonna have to wait until tomorrow morning when the road is cleared.”

    Their faces turned from content to worried, making my heart break in my chest at their saddened expressions.

    “What are we going to do?” Liam asked, his tone worrisome.

    “Well,” Heather said, “You can always stay here for the night.”

    It was then, as I watched the boys nod gratefully, and thank her, accepting the offer, that I realised something.

    I was going to have a sleepover...

    With One Direction.

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